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  1. can we made a menu with directx usig pic ..
  2. can you send me the code
  3. i have one mesh and its name is house.x it has got some textures. i can see these textures and i waneted to change these textures too for example: when i press the butorn i wanted to change the textures of the door or the window.. How can i change the textures ? can you send me your codes?
  4. SELECT * FROM idate WHERE ( taskDate > 21/12/2004 13:48:46)
  5. is there anyone who has reminder codes...like outlook remider if there is please send me....
  6. last question in here the taskdate is in dateTime format(like 23/12/2004 23:14:49) i wanted to compare this time with the DateTime.now but i have trouble it gives error...sql expection error incorrect syntax near "04"
  7. sorry a minute ago i solve the problem how? i make the "+taskDate.Value+" to "+taskDate.Value.ToOAdate()+"
  8. strSQL="INSERT INTO date (taskDate) VALUES ("+taskDate.Value+")"; this is my sql string tu run.. my taskdate format is datetime in sql and dateTimePicker taskDate format is custom dd/MM/yyyy H:mm:ss but when running this it gives sql expection error why...what is true one
  9. and i have control thhe date that comes with sql string it is dd/mm/yy finally i have changed database(i have made taskTime and taskdate as text )
  10. i have changed to dti.ToShortDateString() but it did not solve the problem... my database is sql but i wanted to solve this in the code area because i dont know how to write store procedure....
  11. hello I have two dateTimePicker taskDate and taskTime one for setting date and one for setting time ... And i have taskDate,taskTime coloums in my database.. I wanted to control every time opening project to look if the taskDate is bigger then now and if bigger give alert ...but i can not do this...help..help... My strSql // // in database taskDate format is datetime and taskTime format is text strSQL="INSERT INTO Tasks (...,taskDate,taskTime,...) where (....,'"+DateTime.Parse(TaskDate.Text).ToShortDateString()+"','"+DateTime.Parse(TaskTime.Text).ToLongTimeString()+"'.....) i savede these values to my database(for example date is 12/01/2004 and time is 12:21:00 ) but when i wanted to control dates i have problem it did not control DateTime dti = DateTime.Now; string strSQL ="SELECT * FROM Tasks WHERE ( taskDate < dti)"; DataTable dt = new DataTable(strSQL); if(dt.Rows.Count>0) { MessageBox.Show("there is data!"); } else{ MessageBox.Show("there is no data"); } can you help me... how can i compare these values with DAteTime.Now...
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