Howdy guys:
I am developing a new EMS Computer Aided Dispatch program for an operation I work for. Since we can't afford SQL server, I have to resort to MS Access for a datastore.
The way the setup goes is that the dispatch center will have 4 workstations all connected to a central (MS Access) database tucked away on a computer in a closet (well ventilated of course). I can connect to the database and write to the database just fine. However, I need to have all the workstations display the current data in almost real time. When one computer makes an update to the database, I need all the other workstations to reflect the changes right away.
I can set up the program to refill the datasets every 2 seconds, but this is too much of a system drain I think, since the listviews I use to display the data clears and redraws itself whenever there is a dataset change. In other words, the listview will clear and refill itself EVERY 2 seconds, period. Not very efficient.
Is there anyway to write the code so that every 2-4 seconds it will check the database for any changes and update the workstations dataset only if there is a change?
Or is there a better way of doing this?