I want to change the font characteristics (e.g., change the font type, size, color, etc.) of Label controls using code. I need a code example that does this! :cool:
How do I place an improved Label on my form
I have used inherit to create a new class based on the Label control. How can I place these controls on my form in design mode?
I am using label controls in a program and I need to add custom properties to these controls. Can I add my own properties to Label Controls and set velues for these properties that can be accesses throug the control?
i.e. ControlName.MyProperty = 10
Then later test ... IFControlName.MyProperty = 10 Then ...
I need a code example! Thanks!
I have over 100 label controls on a single form. How can I have them all call the same subroutine when any one of them is clicked? I also need to pass the address of the control to the subroutine so that I can change the properties to the control that was clicked! I NEED A CODE EXAMPLE.
I have several label controls on a form.
The first time the user CLICKS on a LABEL I want to draw a line from the top left corner to the top left to bottom right of that LABEL.
The second time the user CLICKS on a LABEL I want to draw a line from the bottom left corner to the top right to bottom right of that LABEL.
The third time the user CLICKS on a LABEL I want to draw a line from the middle left to the middle right of that LABEL.
The forth time the user CLICKS on a LABEL I want to draw a line from the middle top to the middle bottom of that LABEL.
This will form an "x" & a "+" over the LABEL. (i.e. Label is completely crossed out" Each LABEL will be 100 pixels wide by 100 pixels high.
I NEED A CODE EXAMPLE. I HAVE NEVER DRAWN LINES OVER LABEL CONTROLS BEFORE. I don't even know how to draw a line using reletive coordinates (0,0 being the top left and 100,100 being the bottom right.)
:) :) :)
I have created an array of label objects and placed them on a form in a VB .NET application. How do I generate .CLICK actions for these objects?
Also can I have all of them call the same subroutine on click passing the control itself. In this way I can change the control's properties when it is clicked. Thanks!