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  1. I'm making a simple frame for a game I'm working on, and I'd like some simple Music and Sound in it. I've tried PlaySound but it doesn't seem to be able to do two sounds at once (maybe I'm just using it wrong) Is there a way to do this without DirectX? (I just don't want to have to make DirectX 9.0 mandatory to play my little game)
  2. Darc

    C++ or C#

    I've been a VB programmer for almost a year and I'm starting to do Win32. I dunno though, I like C++ alot more than VB now maybe cuz it's new to me, who knows. Anyways, I just learned Direct3D in VB .NET and now I'm learning GDI32/C++ then I'm gonna tackle Direct3D in C++. Just how much faster is C++/GDI32 than VB .NET/GDI+?
  3. Darc


    thanx, it looks great, but I somehow managed to decipher the Microsoft SDK code and got this: Dim vDir As Vector3 = Vector3.Subtract(CCamera.CameraView, CCamera.CameraPosition) If vDir.X > 0.0F Then billboardMatrix = Matrix.RotationY(CSng(-Math.Atan((vDir.Z / vDir.X)) + Math.PI / 2)) Else billboardMatrix = Matrix.RotationY(CSng(-Math.Atan((vDir.Z / vDir.X)) - Math.PI / 2)) End If billboardMatrix.M41 = object.X billboardMatrix.M42 = object.Y billboardMatrix.M43 = object.Z d3dDevice.Transform.World = billboardMatrix it works pretty well, just a matter of speed I guess
  4. can someone help me out with this, I've never done it before and I can not make sense of Microsofts beautiful "SDK Samples".
  5. Make the values even smaller, or move the camera around
  6. oh, and I'm also looking at how to billboard images (these are going hand in hand) the MS DX SDK is useless...
  7. I'm trying to make a partially transparent image with Direct3d 9, just basic transparency. No alpha-blending etc. Any help? I've tried searching (no luck) but I need it for a Science Project ASAP...
  8. I haven't tried it yet, but it makes sense, in a Microsoft "I'm going to make this as hard as possible for our users" sort of way, thanx :)
  9. anyone have a solution to this?? I really need to distribute my apps...
  10. I'm trying to figure out how to get GDI+ to get to higher FPS. Right now it's only going around 8-11 on a good day. I am coding in Visual Basic .NET if that could be the problem for the speed (I only own it and C++ .NET and I have yet to learn Managed C++) This is how I normally do my GDI+ drawing: Private Sub frmMain_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim start, count, curr As Integer start = Environment.TickCount Me.Show() Do curr = Environment.TickCount pbx.Invalidate() Application.DoEvents() If start <= curr - 1000 Then start = Environment.TickCount Console.WriteLine(count) count = 0 Else count += 1 End If Loop End Sub Any tips?
  11. Darc


  12. you could keep track of the mouse point in a global variable and then update it when the mouse moves: Dim ptMouse as New Point(0,0) Public Sub myForm_MouseMove(Byval sender as Object, Byval e as MouseEventArgs) Handles MyBase.MouseMove pt.X = e.X pt.Y = e.Y End Sub now draw the image at the the coordinates stored in ptMouse
  13. Darc


    you need to use Matrices, d3dDevice.Transform.World = RotateY(angle) d3dDevice.Transform.World = RotateX(angle) d3dDevice.Transform.World = RotateZ(angle) Those will rotate the object around the origin but they are absolute in that if angle doesn't change, neither will the rotation, so do something like: Public Const Speed As Long = 2000 'Decrease SPEED to go faster Dim angle As Single = PI / SPEED Private Sub DoMatrices() d3dDevice.Transform.World = Matrix.Identity d3dDevice.Transform.World = Matrix.RotateZ(angle) angle += PI / SPEED End Sub now just call that everytime before you draw :)
  14. I noticed this too, in the windows folder, Microsoft .NET\Managed DirectX\ doesn't exist on the users' computers, which does on my computer...
  15. I got it (had to use a ColorMatrix and imageAttributes) could someone tell me how this ColorMatrix works? I'm just going by some tutorials to set opacity
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