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  1. Answer: Is use exactly the same code for the ListBox. Only replace ListView1 with ListBox1. Thanks Volker
  2. Some kind of code Hi, this morning i tried some tests: Dim start As Integer Dim ende As Integer Dim anzahl As Integer Dim tmpString As String start = System.Environment.TickCount() ListView1.BeginUpdate() While (readstream.Peek() <> -1) tmpString = readstream.ReadLine() ListView1.Items.Add(tmpString) anzahl += 1 End While ListView1.EndUpdate() ende = System.Environment.TickCount() MessageBox.Show("Es dauerte: " & CType(ende - start, String) & " für " & anzahl.ToString & " Zeilen") With 68000 lines and the usage of a listview it needs 11 sec. With a listbox it need 137 sec. Greetings Volker
  3. Hi, i have a general question about a project that has just begun. I should read lines out of a file. A line (in ASCII format) looks like this: timestamp(Double) channel(Byte) ID(Integer) mode(String with 2 characters) lenght(Byte) data(max. 8 Byte) I should read in this lines, parse and visualize them. My first trials with a file of 60.000 lines were a bit disillusioning. I tried to visualize them in a listbox-control and it needs 10 min. to load and visualize them. The next trial with a listview-control was about one minute. But yesterday i got the information that the maximum file size was 1,500,000 lines. Now my naive question is, how to handle such large amount of data in VB .NET? Or should i use C/C++ for a better performance? My first thougts were to implement a class in VB .NET in which i "fill" in the data after parsing the lines with RegEx. After that i could put this class in an Array or a Collection or a database??? I must visualize this data on three kinds. First as a kind of treeview, second in an ActiveX-component like an oszilloskope and third in a table. The user must manipulate some parts of this data. I hope you can excuse my bad English and that you can give me some recommendation for working on this large amount of data. Many Thanks Volker
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