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Everything posted by Talyrond

  1. One of I'm sure many ways! Dim myArray() As Integer = {1, 2, 3, 4, 5} Dim myStrinbuilder As New StringBuilder Dim myString As String For counter As Integer = 0 To myArray.GetUpperBound(0) myStrinbuilder.Append(myArray(counter)) myStrinbuilder.Append(",") Next myString = myStrinbuilder.ToString
  2. What about a decent scripting engine now that VSA is dead in VS 2005, using CodeDom, including a fully fledged IDE. If there was a control around like this I would be at the top of the list to purchase!
  3. Hi, I would strongly recommend that you take a look at Bob Powells site: http://www.bobpowell.net/faqmain.htm in particular: http://www.bobpowell.net/manipulate_graphics.htm there is a wealth of info on the site, let us know if it was of any help
  4. Hi, just knocked up a simple program to give you an idea. Rubber bands are a nightmare! If you don�t have many primitives to store say up to 10,000 then this technique will do. Otherwise you will need to create a bit map to display the primitives. Using XOR to rub out lines is the traditional way to go, but .net does not have this, except using API calls! Hope this helps Rubberband.zip
  5. This should do the trick Dim fnt As New Font("Arial", 20, FontStyle.Bold) e.Graphics.DrawString("test", fnt, Brushes.Black, 10, 10)
  6. Hi, I went through the same problem when I started programming, basically I came to the conclusion that the standard Toolbar control is limited. There were reasons why it did not work, but I forget what they are. Anyway I went for a third party control that has more functionality that you can throw at it! Like being dockable customizeable etc etc, none of which the standard control offers. Oh and of course no problem at all with images!
  7. Thanks for the reply Iceplug. I found this excellent link that I shall use to implement the point test http://softsurfer.com/Archive/algorithm_0103/algorithm_0103.htm Talyrond
  8. Hi guys, I hope you don�t mind me dropping in on this thread, as I will soon have to perform a similar task. My task is to see if Polygon A is completely within polygon B The issues are similar, so here is my take on your problem. Use a brut force algorithm to check if any intersections occur with the all sides of the triangles. If no intersection occur, there are two possible situations: 1) One triangle is completely inside the other 2) Or one triangle is completely outside the other So to check if one is inside the other: Choose an arbitrary end point of one of the triangle sides and test if that point is inside or outside the other triangle. This could be accomplished by firing a ray from this point and checking the parity of the number of intersections, or compute winding numbers. So now: If there are any intersections, collision has occurred If there are no intersections, but any arbitrary end point from a triangle is inside the other, collision has occurred. Comments appreciated
  9. Hi, from what I can tell you may be creating another instance of FormA in FormB. If this is the only instance of FormA then I'm wrong! If it were me, when I create FormB I would pass a reference of FormA: In FormA: Dim frmB as New FormB(Me) In FormB�s constructor: Public Sub New(ByVal frmA as FormA) Dim myFormA as FormA = frmA End Sub So now in FormB you can use: myFormA.additmes() Hope this helps
  10. Hi, I�ve just completed such a task so I hope I can shed some more light. As Wile suggested I would go the DllImport route. I assume you have the sorce code for the �C� routines. I downloaded VS C++ beta express, it�s free and works a treat! Create a Win32 Dll console app. Use .cpp file extensions. The functions that you want access to, add the following in front of the prototypes: extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) eg: extern "C" __declspec(dllexport) int functionName ( int variable ); In your VB project, declare the function like this: Imports System.Runtime.InteropServices <DllImport("yourCdll.dll")> _ Public Shared Function functionName(ByVal variable as int) As Integer End Function Now you can call the function as normal! This topic comes under the banner of �Plateform Invoke" you can do some internet searches Hope this helps
  11. Hi all, I have some legacy code 'c' code, I plan to convert to C++, then use a managed wrapper to create a .net assembly for use in a VB .net application. My question is whether the Standard edition of Visual Studio C++ .net will allow me to do this, or will I need the Professional edition Thank you
  12. This should do the trick: http://www.bobpowell.net/mdiback.htm
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