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Everything posted by coldfusion244

  1. Yeah, that's what makes it the hardest in my opinion. Going from the lowest level basic programming and having all these nice premade objects and fuctions right there at your fingertips. A great example is that when you implement a double (64 bits) on a 32 bit processor, you need 2x32 bit registers. In .NET it's great, does everything for you all you have to do is add the variables together. I am so used to breaking them up that I reinvent the wheel half the time I use .NET to program :mad: But yes if a .NET guru could comment on this if it's possible or not... else I'll have to go back to C and ASM (Not that it's a bad thing).
  2. I have been using assembly in C++ because it is the only way that I knew of to use direct ASM without using something like MASM and having a DOS Emulated interface. Basically I have been making WinApps to control hardware, like 20x4 LCD displays, motors, etc. Since I know how to control them in assembly I figured why not use C++ to add a nice GUI so that I can control the hardware without having to stare (not that I don't like the asthetics) of the DOS Emulation screens... Bad enough I use edit/notepad to write the ASM... That and I like using the Tab control, Animations, and a nice GUI :p As for wanting to do the same in managed .NET code, since I don't really know the difference between managed and unmanaged, so I can't fully answer that question (I'm not a professional .NET programmer). I'm used to VHDL, ASM, etc hardware languages. I've only recently been learning VB/C#/C++ trying to soak all of them up at the same time :o I'm finding that for what I do C++ is the best but I'm becoming very partial to C# for leasiurely programming...
  3. How about try using the C# to VB Translator in archangels sig... http://authors.aspalliance.com/aldotnet/examples/translate.aspx
  4. I have a few invites as well, same rules apply :D
  5. Only problem with virtual drives, is that now some games/applications search your system for them and will not install/play if it finds any...
  6. [CS] DataSource = Application.ExecutablePath + "\\cinema.mdb"; [/CS] DataSource = Application.ExecutablePath + "\\cinema.mdb" VB.net and C# just incase. You have a space in your variable name and you must tell it to append the new text on the end of Application.ExecutablePath. I don't know why you are adding \bin and such to it, as the executable file should already be in the bin directory.
  7. Why don't you post how you did it incase someone else has the same question ;)
  8. To catch the double click http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/WinForms/FAQ_c44c.asp#q869q For the coloring, i'm sure there is another page on there about changing the color.
  9. This may help http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/WinForms/FAQ_c44c.asp#q791q
  10. You could always use an XML document and check using the built in XML .net functions. Here is a sample of the code I use to read XML documents: [CS]XmlTextReader xtr = new XmlTextReader(strDocument); XmlDocument xd = new XmlDocument(); xd.Load(xtr);[/CS] strDocument can be local, or networked for example... @"C:\update.xml" or @"http://www.mywebsite.com/update/updatecheck.xml"... just some thoughts...
  11. What about Americas Army? It's one of the top most played First Person Shooters in the world...
  12. Don't put 1/3 in there, put the fraction. For example, your user enters in 4th root so you say dY = (1/4) which equals .25, then you have Math.Pow(x,dY) and it works just fine. Just calculate the power before ahnd and pass it the calculated value.
  13. I just suggested this because you expressed major interest in keypresses. This being the case i assumed you might be doing something that would warrant this. As for the Tab, i'm unsure how to trap it.
  14. If you are using a lot of keyboard data, maybe a keyboard hook would work the best for you.
  15. Than borrow one of your friends Pro disks and install pro...
  16. You just answered you own question! if you needed the nth root of a number you could use the math function pow to raise X to the 1/nth power.
  17. FX-55 new waterblocks 2x GeForce 6800 ultras + mobo 2 gigs ddr 4x 80gig hdd's for Raid 0 (sata 2.0) 100% on my analog signal processing final that should do it :)
  18. Once you have the calculated values it's quite simple to add items to a listbox. [CS] listbox1.Items.Add("Climb " + a.ToString() + " for " + b.ToString()); [/CS] Assuming a and b are numbers.
  19. I'm not sure about home edition but I know it's on the PRO disk. Choose add/remove and then additional components and it's under internet or something. It'll say IIS 6.0. If it's not on your home disk, borrow someone's pro disk and install it. --------------EDIT-------------- Wow plausy, i just submitted mine and yours was there!
  20. Hi guys, I want to add a button to the titlebar right next to the minimize button. I believe that i'll have to trap the wm_paint command and draw my own button on there? any tutorials or insight is appreciated(C#)!
  21. Hello again, I use C# at home, but C++ at school. In vc++.net and older versions there is _asm that let's you put in assembly code, for instance _asm { push AX mov dx, offset[ds] out ax,dx } I was reading and there is no _asm directive that I found in C# (unless i'm blind which is half true), and I read the latest random thoughts thread and was wondering if there really is an _asm type directive or if i'd have to do it like it's shown in the random thoughts post. -Sean
  22. Actually I am interested on what libraries .NET includes for this, as before I always used API.
  23. Are you instanciating the object before you use it, for example in the .state=closed, do you have it set to an object? Try putting cnPaFAPark = new Odbc.OdbcConnection() to initalize it in some public domain and then see if it still errors.
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