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Everything posted by coldfusion244

  1. Relux, did you send him the binary from another computer, or are you actually coding it on that computer? The reason I ask is because I sent a binary to a friend and it gave him close to the same error. The fix was that this person had installed SP2 :mad: for WinXP and had to uncheck the security box at the bottom of the file properties.
  2. You could also take Pinky's idea and use EnumChildWindows, but I don't think you would have to go through all that right here. Unfortunately as I said above I can't write the code for you because I don't have that particular application...http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/winui/winui/windowsuserinterface/windowing/windows/windowreference/windowfunctions/findwindowex.asp Put the handle of the first window as the ChildAfter arguement so that it searches for the next child in the Z-order. I have the link to it above... Hope this helps...
  3. Correct, it's not my app ;) Either way it's for my own personal administrative purposes (so I can kick cheaters out faster :D ). I'm glad I don't have to use DirectX to draw over it, phew.
  4. FindWindowEx can cycle through controls, so my suggestion would be to use Spy++ to find out the handle of the control. Then cycle through the "Edit" controls until you find the correct handle. Then you know it's the xth edit control and you can then find it everytime with FindWindowEx
  5. First off, you only have the handle of the Edit window which is the textbox you enter "/status". You need the handle of the window that has the information in it. Since I don't have this program I am not sure what type of control it is. But you would find it the same way you found the edit textbox. After you find it, you can use the code you had before... Dim txtLength As Long = SendMessage(x, WM_GETTEXTLENGTH, CInt(0), CInt(0)) + 1 Dim txtBuff As String = Space(txtLength) Dim TEMP As Long = TEMP = SendMessage(x, WM_GETTEXT, txtLength, txtBuff) MessageBox.show(txtBuff) The only problem with the code you currently have is that x is the handle of the (aforementioned) Edit control that corresponds to the input textbox. So find the handle of the other control and use that as the hWnd arguement.
  6. Hi guys, quick question. I play a game made in DirectX. I have created a program that informs me of all the players and their GUIDS that are currently in my server. My question is, how would I put text that is translucent over the game but still be playing in the game. Just have it in the upper lefthand corner displaying the text while in game. :confused: Thanks guys
  7. solution The only way I know of is to use SendMessage with WM_GETTEXT not WM_GETMESSAGE. I'm not sure of the VB code for it but... 1. Find the correct window 2. Use WM_GETTEXTLENGTH to find how much text is there. 3. Create a new string with the returned value from WM_GETTEXTLENGTH + 1 of spaces. Add 1 space as shown for End of String deliminator. 4. Use SendMessage and pass it the reference of the string you created using WM_GETTEXT. 5. Your string now contains the text of the window. You can Trim any excess whitespace, etc afterwords.
  8. looks good! A few bugs though... 1. When the tile shows the immediate vicinity, you should probably remove it instead of making it have no caption. 2. In the middle of playing sometimes it fails to repond, even when I press on a bomb. 3. Possibly make it so that the bombs are randomly placed AFTER the first click. Just a suggestion. Other than that, it looks nice :)
  9. I'm not sure if you have invites or not :confused: but if you did, when you log in to check your mail there would be a red hyperlink at the top that says Invite X friends to GMAIL where X is the number of invites.
  10. I have no more invites, you'll have to ask ThePentiumGuy now...
  11. No problem, that's what this community is here for :D
  12. Thanks TPG, I have 1 Invite left.....
  13. I don't know about this Dave, but it seems like it was going backwards.... maybe try [CS] TxtName.TabIndex = 2 TxtEmail.TabIndex = 1 txtMessage.TabIndex = 0 [/CS] Might possibly work? Sorry for my lack of knowledge in this area, just gave my observations...
  14. I changed the code around a little. Replace with this file and build the application. It works fine for me now. FormMain.zip
  15. Graphics Question Works great iceplug! Just tried it, never worked with graphics before... One question though, after I draw the line or fill a new backround, how do I return the label to it's original state?
  16. You want to trim the string before you encode it into ASCII, and after you set it's value, as to remove all the whitespace.
  17. Why not use a Try/Catch statement...http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vblr7/html/vastmtrycatchfinally.asp
  18. I have 3 invites left, anyone wanting one should PM me.
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