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Everything posted by coldfusion244

  1. So, when you press a button you want whatever is selected in the listbox to go into variables a, b, and c?
  2. TPG, it's also known that p4's dissapate more wattage per sq. cm. than nuclear reactors :eek: But seriously, they do get very hot and with so as you are saying dust can cause a problem. The reason your temperatures differ so much from summer -> winter is because in the summer you are runnning AC. In the winter you are running your furnace or electric heating. As for dust and your heatsink, that may be the problem, however if you would like to rectify the situation (and possibly get more OC'ing out of your CPU) I would suggest a water-cooled solution. My gaming pc is water cooled, and it works well (not to mention quiet). Here is a link to a lot of good components : DangerDen
  3. TPG, Actually they all have office on them as well, no problems..
  4. This is no the case, I have 5 computers in my apartment and 4 of them are running XP Pro, the last one is running Server 2003... I have no problems, it actually works very well!
  5. Ok, I really need some help on this one guys... I am attempting to make a DLL in assembly and use it in VC++.net, my only problem thus far has been my lack or using external DLL's in VC++.net. I searched around and found there are two ways, implicit and explicit. I tried using explicit and loading the file on runtime, but it always gave me a null return for the function address using getprocaddress. I am stuck and have no idea what to do I have included all source and dll (in assembly) in the zip file below. If someone could help me out and give some source that actually works and calls the function it'd be greatly appreciated . What this is going to eventually used for is an interface for a 4x4 keypad. I want to get this to work before I go typing out all of the assembly code i'll need in order for it to work. Basically all the DLL is going to do is return which key is pressed (actually the assembly will return it, but I have to somehow return it from the dll to VC++.NET). Edit: Ok, I attempted to use LoadLibrary and GetProcAddress. I call LoadLibrary and it loads it perfectly fine. When I call GetProcAddress though, I always get a NULL returned :( So I don't know what else to do... IFACEKEY.zip
  6. Ok, I really need some help on this one guys... I am attempting to make a DLL in assembly and use it in VC++.net, my only problem thus far has been my lack or using external DLL's in VC++.net. I searched around and found there are two ways, implicit and explicit. I tried using explicit and loading the file on runtime, but it always gave me a null return for the function address using getprocaddress. I am stuck and have no idea what to do :confused: I have included all source and dll (in assembly) in the zip file below. If someone could help me out and give some source that actually works and calls the function it'd be greatly appreciated :) What this is going to eventually used for is an interface for a 4x4 keypad. I want to get this to work before I go typing out all of the assembly code i'll need in order for it to work. Basically all the DLL is going to do is return which key is pressed (actually the assembly will return it, but I have to somehow return it from the dll to VC++.NET). IFACEKEY.zip
  7. That's the problem though, I can't have a data section and receive errors when compiling when I try to use the __asm directive. I need to find out how to comile assembyl INTO a DLL.
  8. If I wanted to write under my program named prog1, to the settings section and set the windowstate key to 1 (meaning true) then it would be done like this. [CS] WritePrivateProfileString ("settings", "windowstate", "1", "C:\\myini.ini"); [/CS] Reverse that for reading. I also found this doing a search, you may find it helpful. It's an atatchemnt, I had to upload with .txt extension, but it's C# code. IniReader.txt
  9. I have never done this sort of thing, but I'm guessing that you would want to inherit from textbox class and on keypress use a sort of regular expression.
  10. You can use a collection. If you wrote it in C++, you could use memory pointers and just use sequential memory readings. But for C# i'd use the previous idea. http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbcon/html/vaconCreatingYourOwnCollectionClass.asp Hope this helps.
  11. Ok, this one is a thinker... I have a bunch of assembly code I wrote to control a 4x4 keypad. The problem is that I need to use it in C++.NET, C#.NET, and VB.NET. I tried just putting the assembly in c++ and creating a DLL like that, but unfortunately it kept giving me errors in the data section and I couldn't address registers like DS:IP. I am wanting to nkow if there is a way you can take assebly and make a wrapper for it. Maybe I just did it wrong in c++... Any thoughts? This one is a stumper for me :confused: Thanks guys :)
  12. There is windows API for this, it's ReadPrivateProfileString, WritePrivateProfileString, ReadPrivateProfileSection.
  13. So you want the button1 to set the visible property equal to true?
  14. Yeah let me contact the united states army, because, that'll go over really well...
  15. Kinda, but that deals with memory locations of that game, is that how I have to do it? How would I find those locations in another game?
  16. Correct, I know you're probably thinking that I'm going to use it to create a cheat for the game, but I assure you i'm not. I am part of the caac, http://www.aa-caac.com I am caac-programmer on the website. I haven't used DX before, hence why I ask here. If you would like to see the code I can show you so that you are sure I'm not cheating (I'd have to take out passwords :)) This is actually a tool to help admins of servers catch cheaters. Gives them their IP so that they can ban that IP from the server and also report it to AAO. So any help would be greatly appreciated as I have no clue what to do :confused:
  17. So it uses dll code injection?
  18. I'm looking to make an effect like teamspeak overlay, http://www.teamspeakoverlay.com.
  19. Ok guys, I have just a few questions(TPG ;)) ...I am developing a program to help administrators quickly catch and ban cheaters(Guid and IP ban). I want the players to be in the game and playing, then when they press a hotkey my information display on their screen. #1 Is it possible to get the environment of an open D3D app to use, as to put my own information on? #2 If so, any tips on how to do? #3 If no, how could I put information on the screen so that a user playing a D3D game can also see my information. #4 Could all this be done without hooking the game? By hooking I mean by not attaching any external modules ot references to the game or injecting any code. I have all the information that I want to display, just am not sure on how to go about displaying it. thanks for the help guys ;)
  20. When you say combining wav files do what do you mean? Do you mean: Overlaying 1 on the other, Actually Oring the two files together, Adding 1 wav to the beginning/end of another, etc. Please be more specific.
  21. Personally the timers that are included in VS.NET aren't all that accurate. Especially the further down in period you go.
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