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  1. Hi, i got a treeview, and i want to acces a spesific option in it from a button. How to do using vb.net :confused:
  2. ok. i'm lost...
  3. Hi im working on a tooltip function for my program. This is what i got. Private Sub Button2_Click_1.... ToolTip1.SetToolTip(Button1, "text") My question is: How do i turn OFF tooltip by clicking on the same "help" button.
  4. I dont know if this is the right thread but my quiestion is this: can i underline a spesific word in a label using code?
  5. Ok. i want to print a datagrid. Is there a way to just print the datagrid then?
  6. How do i print the entire form in visual basic.NET?
  7. - This is the timer - Private Sub Timer1_Elapsed(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs) Handles Timer1.Elapsed ProgressBar1.Value += 5 End Sub - This is the progressbar - Private Sub ProgressBar1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles ProgressBar1.Click ProgressBar1.Enabled = True End Sub ---------- Handles Timer1.Elapsed: it says that Elapsed cant be found. I can only choose Tick. My friend get it to work using Elapsed but not me.. :confused:
  8. thank you very much PlausiblyDamp
  9. Got form problems in vb.net, isMdiContainer = Yes! ive set form1 to MdiContainer = true but how do i open form2 embedded in form1
  10. Yeah. Found that to be the easyest way! Thanks annyway.
  11. i use vb.ne How do i do it simple? thx.
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