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Everything posted by Xkape

  1. Thanks for the reply I finally got it figured out. Here is the statment I used to make it work "SELECT Albums.AlbumName FROM Artist_List INNER JOIN (Albums INNER JOIN Artist_Album_Link ON Albums.AlbumID = Artist_Album_Link.AlbumID) ON Artist_List.ArtistID = Artist_Album_Link.ArtistID WHERE Artist_List.ArtistName = '" & cmbArtist.Text & "'" However I have decided I'm going perform the function with a Dataset instead. Again thanks J
  2. Hello all, I am working on a database and I have a combo box being filled with data from one of the tables in my AccessDB. And I am wanting to select from the combo box and fill a listbox with what matches the data in the database, ex. Select artist in combo box and have the albums for that artist fill the listbox. So i'm guessing that I don't have my select statement right. This is all I have Qry.CommandText = "SELECT AlbumName FROM Albums" I do understand that this statement will fill all albums into the listbox, I am just trying to get the data per artist to fill the listbox. All help appreciated. Thanks, J
  3. Thanks for the advice. However this is what I ended up with. Dim FontBMask As Integer Private Sub frmFontFun_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load Dim ff As FontFamily For Each ff In System.Drawing.FontFamily.Families If Not ff.Name = "Monotype Corsiva" Then ComboBox1.Items.Add(ff.Name) End If Next ComboBox1.Text = ComboBox1.Font.Name FontBMask = 0 End Sub Private Sub CheckBoxBold_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxBold.CheckedChanged If CheckBoxBold.Checked = True Then FontBMask = FontBMask + 1 Else FontBMask = FontBMask - 1 End If txtSample.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(txtSample().Font, FontBMask) End Sub Private Sub CheckBoxUnderline_CheckedChanged(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles CheckBoxUnderline.CheckedChanged If CheckBoxUnderline.Checked = True Then FontBMask = FontBMask + 4 Else FontBMask = FontBMask - 4 End If txtSample.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(txtSample().Font, FontBMask) End Sub End Class
  4. Hello everyone, I am working on a small project with font controls, and it has 3 checkbox controls Bold, Italic, and Underline. With a textbox at the bottom of the form, with a word. When you check the Bold the text goes bold, etc Question? How do you make all three work at the same time? Like this Sample text Here is some of the code If CheckBoxBold.Checked = True Then txtSample.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(txtSample().Font, 1) ElseIf CheckBoxItalic.Checked = True Then txtSample.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(txtSample().Font, 3) ElseIf CheckBoxUnderline.Checked = True Then txtSample.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(txtSample().Font, 7) Else txtSample.Font = New System.Drawing.Font(txtSample().Font, 0) End If Is there something that goes into the formload event? Thanks for the help, J
  5. Xkape


    Which 1 would be better? I think character by character would be.
  6. Xkape


    Hello all, My example first... 13DU3T6=Tom in one folder and its equal is in another folder that looks like this below 13DU3T6=.txt What Function or statement would you use to have them compared and then populate a textbox with Tom.txt Any advise would be helpful, and thank in advance. J
  7. What kind? I don't have access to a sql server. J
  8. I was wondering what would be the best way to write a text editor program. The functions i'm looking to have are these... Lastname, firstname, phone and note info. And i'm wanting this program to save all the contents per lastname, and I would like to append to it when searched for, which means I would need to be able to search as well. Any idea's or opinions on the best way about doing this? Thanks J
  9. thanks I will try them out. J
  10. Hi, Does anyone know where a good database tutorial is? One that uses Access instead of SQL, I don't have access to a SQL server, and the program I am trying to make doesn't really need one. oh, and one more thing, I have created a small database in vb6 and it uses datalinks, before you start the program, does anyone know where the datalinks comes from? Access?, VB? Thanks for the help, J
  11. Thanks, that helps. Do you know of a place that is a little more up to date? And that still talks about Access. I can't have a pws not on Xp Home. So I am using Access for my database. I'm trying to make a database of all my mp3's, so that you can search with this program and it gives me the location and it will tell you the year, the artist, album and any notes you may type in, and it will add it to the db and if you get new mp3's i am wanting it to let you add it to the db. Any ideas where I might find an example? That uses Access and not Sql? I mean I don't have a web server or do i have access to one. Thanks for all the help James
  12. Hi everyone. I am very new to Vb and I am interested in designing a program that requires a database. In Vb 6 you had a choice. In .NET i'm not to sure if there is anything other than sql. Can you still use Access with vb.net? Also, can someone tell me if there is a good book or online tutorial for building a small database? Not asking for anyone to write my code, I just need some direction. Thanks kindly, J
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