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  1. I believe GetHandle will return the a process with "notepad" in the title. If you have more than one open it may not be returning the process you want. Instead of finding the handle use the Process rturned by the start. Try: System.Diagnostics.Process p = System.Diagnostics.Process.Start("notepad.exe") SetNewText(myProcess.Handle(), log) PlausiblyDamp comments should also be taken into account. There are timing and error states that should be taken into account.
  2. PlausiblyDamp said cast not convert. I.e. uint x = 2147942405; int y = (int)x; Console.WriteLine("x:"+x.ToString()); Console.WriteLine("y:"+y.ToString()); which results in: x:2147942405 y:-2147024891 Hope that helps,
  3. How odd... The following code works for me. [csharp] Process pr = new Process(); pr.StartInfo.FileName = "IEXPLORE"; pr.StartInfo.Arguments = "file://c:/mypage.html"; pr.Start(); [/csharp] Its in C#, but I would assume yours should work. One thing I do see in your code is that you are reassigning your pr to pr.start. Is that correct for VB? It doesn't look right.
  4. Have you tried pr = pr.Start("IEXPLORE", "file://c:/mypage.html") That should work.
  5. Have you thought about running your program as a screen saver with the machine being password locked?
  6. Thank you for the link. I will have to take a look at it closer. To give a bit more background the following is what the MSDN site has on "metadata" Imaging Overview All of that information I can pull out of the images taken with my Digital Camera. Windows also displays in Explorier the "DateTime" of when the picture was taken. This information is what I would like to add to all my scanned pictures. Right now I have an XML file that contains that data. It would be nice to populate it in the pictures so it will go with the picture. Since the original post, it appears that .net 3.0 might solve my problems. I found: BitmapMetadata Class in namespace system.windows.media which states on MSDN as: If I find a solution I shall post it here. The Imaging overview page has some code which might work too. Now I have 2 things to look at. :) Thank you for your time
  7. I have been able to read existing Metadata embedded in images via C# using PropertyItems which is readonly. I have been unable to find a way to add or alter the metadata that might be missing. For example I have some scanned images without the DateTime metaData. How do you add to Metadata to a image?
  8. Sorry about that. It is all I needed. What sepecifically do you need? I have some code I could post if its a match to your need.
  9. Check out Base Class Libraries - Group 2 Samples (Using serial ports with the new Port class) at: http://msdn.microsoft.com/vstudio/downloads/101samples/default.aspx
  10. Try renaming the extension to .doc or .dat and see if it goes through. I have seen ISP or Companies remove all .zip regardless if a virus scanner flagged it or not. Another thought is the size of the file > 5 or 10 megs? I have seen ISP remove files greater than a certain size.
  11. Have you tried: private const string alphabeths[] = {"a", "b", "c"};
  12. That did the trick! I also agree with you about the seperate thread, but I knew there had to be something I wasn't missing. Thanks again!
  13. I am using C# Express 2005 version and I have the following issue: I have a progress bar with text showing the user progress of file copies. The progress bar and text update for a while but then "lock up". The copy does continue and goes to completion so the code behind being executed isn't having a problem, just the GUI is giving the end user a huge negative experience. Is there anyone to get a smoother, non-lock up of the GUI when performing tasks? I have tried: - Adding a Sleep - Performing a Refresh() on the forum - Performing a Update() on the forum - Combinations of the above with no luck or change in this behavior. I also looked for a "DoEvents" like VB has, but I didn't see it in C#. (Are Refresh and Update the equivalent?) I have thought about placing the copy in a separate thread to see if that would help, but I wanted to ask before heading down what might be a slipper slope for me. Thank you for your time,
  14. I have run into this error. Pass the the form as a generic form and then cast it as your form. I.E. private frmMain MainForm; public IRCEngine() { // something for me _pseudoCpl = Pseudo + "|" + Age + Departement + Sexe + "0"; } public IRCEngine(System.Windows.Forms.Form MainForm2, string svr, string port, string pseudo, string dpt, string sexe, string age, string utilisateur, string hote, string realname) { // Now cast the passed var to your global one. // Might need the namespace in front of the frmMain if its not in // the current namespace. this.MainForm = (frmMain)MainForm2; } Hope that helps
  15. After spending time looking through docs and testing out "guesses", I now believe that you can use the default view and table object to show sorted values. Only the original order of the data. If you want to see the sorted values you have to either "Select" the data into data rows or bind them to an object such as the grid. This doesn't seem right to be me, but at least working that way I can get the code moving again.
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