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Everything posted by microcephalic

  1. I was just curious if it could be done. I thought it might help me locate the line that contained the offending code so I could fix it. I'm working with a remote user that is experiencing an issue and could be caused by something in couple of different places in the code. I can't reproduce the error, so I was just going to send him a version of my app that would present a message box with the line number where the problem was occuring. I'll just put something in a try, catch that will indicate the offending code instead. I was really just wondering if vb had something like that built in and automated already.
  2. If I have code that is throwing an exception, is there any way to get the line number of the offending code without having to manually specify that line number?
  3. Thanks, martialarts! I will definitely give your solution a shot. I tried changing the vital setting to false, but to no avail. So, hopefully this will work!
  4. I've witten a program in VB .Net. The installer copies a file called "dfile.png" to the application's folder during installation. The program then deletes "dfile.png" after the first time it is run. The problem is that after it's deleted, on any subsequent launch of the program, the installer is invoked and the "dfile.png" is re-copied to the application's folder. I don't want it to be re-copied. I just want to delete it after the first time the program is run and not come back. Is there some type of setting or something within my setup program that would fix this? Or is there any other way around this? :o
  5. Figured it out: on command button in form1: Dim f As New form2 f.Owner = Me f.ShowDialog() on command button in form2: Dim f As New form2 f.Owner = Me f.button1.enabled = false
  6. Here's my problem: I have 2 forms, form1 and form2. I launch form2 from a button within form1. I then want to be able to disable a control (command button in my case) on form1 by clicking a button on form2. So, how do I talk to the existing form1 from form2 without creating a new instance?
  7. I actually never knew that you could save code to the toolbar.... :o That's great though and should work well for my purposes! Thanks for the help! :)
  8. Would you mind sharing the one that you created? Thanks!
  9. I compiled and installed the code bank project, but it is still not showing up as a possible selection in the add-in manager. Is this compatible w/ vs .net 2003?
  10. Hi, does anyone know of an add-in for vb .net that will allow you to store snippets of code for future reference?
  11. Thanks! I will check out the link and let you know how it works out for me
  12. Just in case anyone was interested, I was able to find a way to download single web pages with its files here: http://www.codeproject.com/vb/net/MhtBuilder.asp
  13. How can I send a file to the recycle bin in VB .net?
  14. Basically what I am trying to do is to simulate a left mouse click on the save button in a dialog box.
  15. Thanks, I found the name of the window now and checked out MSDN. It looks like I could use WM_COMMAND to help me "press" the save button on my dialog box. Would WM_COMMAND be the right choice to do something like this? Thanks so much for your help!
  16. I am trying to figure out how to obtain the values needed to successfully execute a SendMessage I'm using to try to close a dialog box. My question is how do I figure out the value of my window (the hwnd value), the message I want to send (the wMsg value), and the remaing parameter values (wParam and lParam)? Public Declare Function SendMessage Lib "user32" Alias "SendMessageA" _ (ByVal hwnd As Integer, _ ByVal wMsg As Integer, _ ByVal wParam As Integer, _ ByVal lParam As Long) As Integer
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