Hi All,
i have an aspx form for the user to input, and those data will be stored
into the database.
I would like to build up the form dynamically by using the data in the a
database table, named question
for example, i have a question table and the data in the question table is
as follow
select * from question
| question_data |
| 1 + 1 = ? |
| 2 - 1 = ? |
| 2 + 2 = ? |
Then, in my aspx page, the form will be as follow, (i assume that the form
is built dynamically)
(/* aspx Label here */) (/* aspx TextBox here */)
1 + 1 = ? |_____________|
2 - 1 = ? |_____________|
2 + 2 = ? |_____________|
And all the answer in the TextBox, would be saved into the database.
If i would like to add question for the form, just insert the question into
the question table
I would like to add a question "how old are you?"
i just "insert into question (question_data) values ('how old are you?') "
Then, the aspx page will be
(/* aspx Label here */) (/* aspx TextBox here */)
1 + 1 = ? |_____________|
2 - 1 = ? |_____________|
2 + 2 = ? |_____________|
how old are you? |_____________|
So, my question is, how to build up the form dynamically like the above
And what server control should i use?
And how can i pass the TextBox data to the backend codehind
Thank you.