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  1. Hi all, I would like that how to custom make the style of the win forms? for example, i would like to make my win forms like the style of the vs.net, or gt style? Any reference material that i can look into? Thank you.
  2. after hiding the Menu, How to make the menu appears again? this.Menu = new Menu(); <- it doesn't work Thank you.
  3. Hi all, Assume that both DataTable are the same schema, I want to copy a row from one DataTable to another DataTable by m_dtItem.Rows.Add(m_dtOrgItem.Rows(0)) However, it said that Exception Details: System.ArgumentException: This row already belongs to another table. So, How can copy a row from one DataTable to another DataTable? Thank you.
  4. Hi All, i have an aspx form for the user to input, and those data will be stored into the database. I would like to build up the form dynamically by using the data in the a database table, named question for example, i have a question table and the data in the question table is as follow select * from question --------------------------------- | question_data | --------------------------------- | 1 + 1 = ? | | 2 - 1 = ? | | 2 + 2 = ? | --------------------------------- Then, in my aspx page, the form will be as follow, (i assume that the form is built dynamically) (/* aspx Label here */) (/* aspx TextBox here */) 1 + 1 = ? |_____________| 2 - 1 = ? |_____________| 2 + 2 = ? |_____________| And all the answer in the TextBox, would be saved into the database. If i would like to add question for the form, just insert the question into the question table e.g. I would like to add a question "how old are you?" i just "insert into question (question_data) values ('how old are you?') " Then, the aspx page will be (/* aspx Label here */) (/* aspx TextBox here */) 1 + 1 = ? |_____________| 2 - 1 = ? |_____________| 2 + 2 = ? |_____________| how old are you? |_____________| So, my question is, how to build up the form dynamically like the above example? And what server control should i use? And how can i pass the TextBox data to the backend codehind Thank you. Regards, Angus
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