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About m_nathani

  • Birthday 08/15/1979

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  • Visual Studio .NET Version
    visual basic professional
  • .NET Preferred Language

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. Hi, Everybody I have put combo box on my datagrid . I have overrides onkeypress event of combo e.g. when combo get focus it dropped and when lost focus it normal. Now, problem is that when curosr go on combo box it drop but it be normal before cursor move on next column(lost focus on same column).My grid is columnstyle textboxcolumn. Q.2 I am using columnstyle grid. After slecting value from combo box and enter to move next column last column show blank not show selected value from combobox. Thanks.
  2. Hi, Hi, Everybody In pagesetup dialog box i set value as required..but when application restart it takes default value not show last saved value. Thanks.
  3. Hi, Everybody Convert figure into English words in vb.net E.g 12345 Twele thousand three hundres fourty five only
  4. hi, How can finde missing number in identity column and insert particular missing number programmaticaly in SQL Server 2000.
  5. Hi, Every body I have write stored procedure which delete record. In my stored procedure accepted "Uniqueid" parameter and delete record. In vb.net , I want delete current record through my stored procedure. Uniqueid is not bind with any object . I am using typed dataset. How to delete record My code below 'Dim Scd As SqlCommand = New SqlCommand("DeleteEmploymaster", Scn) 'With Scd ' .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure ' .Parameters.Add("@uniqueid", SqlDbType.Int, 4, "dsemployee.employmaster.unqiueid") '.Value = txtempid.Text ' .Parameters("@uniqueid").SourceColumn = "Empid" 'End With 'DsEmployee.EmployMaster.Rows(Me.BindingContext(DsEmployee.EmployMaster).Position).Delete() 'Dim Sda As New SqlDataAdapter(Scd) 'Sda.Fill(DsEmployee.EmployMaster) 'Sda.Update(DsEmployee.EmployMaster) 'Sda.Dispose() 'Scn.Dispose()
  6. Hi everybody, I have put tabcontrol on my form with three tabpages. when i click on button from any tabpages, cursor should focus on first tabpage's first control.
  7. Hi Everybody I have write code to navigate record with Ctrl and arrow key. i have tabcontrol on forms with three tabpages. when i press ctrl and left or right key my tabpages also change. i don't want to changed tabpage. Thanks
  8. Hi, Everybody I have placeed pushbutton on toolbar, i want to changed color of text of button when mouse move on the button. I also want change color of tabpages of tab control when mouse move on the tabpage
  9. Hi, How To make all letter in Capital after Space in textbox
  10. Hi, I have placee pushbutton on toolbar, i want to changed color of text of button when mouse move on the button. I also want change color of tabpages of tab control when mouse move on the tabpage Thanking You
  11. Hi , Every body I want first insert data in data set and then stored data in data source using Stored Procedure. Dataset is typed data set I have following code but it did't work. Plz help me Try Dim SQLConn As SqlConnection Dim SQLDaMtrfitt As SqlDataAdapter Dim sqlCmdBldr As SqlCommandBuilder sqlCmdBldr = New SqlCommandBuilder(SQLDaMtrfitt) SQLDaMtrfitt = New SqlDataAdapter() With SQLDaMtrfitt .SelectCommand = New SqlCommand() With .SelectCommand .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure .CommandText = "A11InsertMtrfitt" .Connection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString) End With .Fill(dsa11mtrfitt, "A11MtrFitt") End With Dim Dr As DataRow = dsa11mtrfitt.Tables("A11MtrFitt").NewRow Dr.BeginEdit() Dr.Item(0) = CType(CbEmpname.Items(CbEmpname.SelectedIndex), ListItem).ID Dr.Item(1) = DtPicker1.Text Dr.Item(2) = LTrim(txtHpPhase1.Text) Dr.Item(3) = LTrim(txtHpPhase2.Text) Dr.Item(4) = LTrim(txtHpPhase3.Text) Dr.Item(5) = LTrim(txtHpPhase4.Text) Dr.Item(6) = LTrim(txtType.Text) Dr.Item(7) = LTrim(txtTotal.Text) Dr.Item(8) = LTrim(txtother.Text) Dr.Item(9) = LTrim(txtremarks.Text) Dr.EndEdit() dsa11mtrfitt.Tables("A11MtrFitt").Rows.Add(Dr) dsa11mtrfitt.GetChanges() SQLDaMtrfitt.InsertCommand.Connection.Open() SQLDaMtrfitt.Update(dsa11mtrfitt) SQLDaMtrfitt.InsertCommand.Connection.Close() Catch ex As Exception End Try But there are somting wrong above command . All line are skiped after .Fill(dsa11mtrfitt,"A11MtrFitt") and directly jump on catch ex as exception Paramatrised Query Try Dim SQLConn As SqlConnection Dim SQLDaMtrfitt As SqlDataAdapter Dim sqlCmdBldr As SqlCommandBuilder sqlCmdBldr = New SqlCommandBuilder(SQLDaMtrfitt) SQLDaMtrfitt = New SqlDataAdapter() With SQLDaMtrfitt .SelectCommand = New SqlCommand() With .SelectCommand .CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure .CommandText = "A11InsertMtrfitt" .Connection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString) '.CommandType = CommandType.StoredProcedure '.CommandText = "A11InsertMtrfitt" .Parameters.Add("@empid", SqlDbType.Int, 4).Value = CType(CbEmpname.Items(CbEmpname.SelectedIndex), ListItem).ID .Parameters("@empid").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input .Parameters("@empid").SourceColumn = "A11empid" .Parameters.Add("@date", SqlDbType.DateTime, 8).Value = DtPicker1.Text .Parameters("@date").Direction = ParameterDirection.Input .Parameters("@date").SourceColumn = "A11date" .Parameters.Add("@hpphase1", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) '.Parameters("@hpphase1").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtHpPhase1.Text) .Parameters.Add("@hpphase2", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) '.Parameters("@hpphase2").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtHpPhase2.Text) .Parameters.Add("@hpphase3", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) '.Parameters("@hpphase3").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtHpPhase3.Text) .Parameters.Add("@hpphase4", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) '.Parameters("@hpphase4").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtHpPhase4.Text) .Parameters.Add("@type", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) '.Parameters("@type").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtType.Text) .Parameters.Add("@total", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) '.Parameters("@total").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtTotal.Text) .Parameters.Add("@others", SqlDbType.VarChar, 30) '.Parameters("@others").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtother.Text) .Parameters.Add("@Remarks", SqlDbType.VarBinary, 30) '.Parameters("@remarks").SourceColumn = LTrim(txtremarks.Text) .Connection = New SqlConnection(ConnectionString) End With .Connection.Open() dsa11mtrfitt.AcceptChanges() .Fill(dsa11mtrfitt, "A11MtrFitt") .Update(dsa11mtrfitt, "A11MtrFitt") .InsertCommand.Dispose() .InsertCommand.Connection.Close() ' End With But there are somting wrong above command . All line are skiped after .Fill(dsa11mtrfitt,"A11MtrFitt") and directly jump on catch ex as exception
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