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Everything posted by Skywalker

  1. It still doesn't work, now it gives an error on Handles button1, because that isn't in the System.Windows.Forms.Keys. Public Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.Keys) Handles Button1.KeyPress ' <-------- If e.KeyCode = Keys.Escape Then MsgBox("blabla", , "Product information") End If End Sub
  2. i want to press the escape button so that the message box comes up, that doesn't work. When i fill in the number for escape and i press then on button 1 on the keyboard, it works perfect? What has to be changed? Public Sub Form1_KeyPress(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.KeyPressEventArgs) Handles Button1.KeyPress If e.KeyChar = "ESC" Then MsgBox("blabla", , "Product information") End If End Sub
  3. Ok thx, this worked out just perfect :D Thenk you for helping me out :D
  4. Hmm ok that wasn't exactly what i ment :D I have a double with 9 decimals i want to breng it back to 2 example: from 10,44444444499999900111 to 10,44 How do i dou that?
  5. I want to trim the stuff that is in my variable, how do i do this? I tryed to do this, trim(variable) but it doesn't work. I would be please if somebody could help me with this one.
  6. properly that will be it, i will try your info on my programma and we will see. Thx for the info :D
  7. Is doesn't give a specific error, but it just stops my program!
  8. I am having a litle problem with searching on an other machine. I made an search engine form my movies, it search if the file exists on my machine. But I also want to have my friends have a look at my movies so that means they must can see if the file is on my machine. I am running an IIS webserver. Searching localy is no problem but when i want to search from an other location it doesn't work. Does enybody has a klew how to do this? I Searched the holl web form some usefull information, but until now i still didn't find enything!! Dim File As System.IO.File Dim Search As String Dim Search2 As String Search = Me.TextBox8.Text Search2 = ("C:Movie\" + Search + ".txt") 'Search2 = ("" + Search + ".txt") 'Search2 = CStr(Search2) If File.Exists("C:Movie\" + Search + ".txt") Then 'If File.Exists("" + Search + ".txt") Then Dim stream_reader As New IO.StreamReader(Search2) Me.RichTextBox1.Text = "" 'MessageBox.Show("File found.") Me.RichTextBox1.Text = stream_reader.ReadToEnd() Me.RichTextBox1.Select(0, 0) stream_reader.Close() Else Me.RichTextBox1.Text = "Movie not found" 'MessageBox.Show("File not found.") End If
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