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Xtreme .Net Talk


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Everything posted by Wakane

  1. I agree. MS gives the compatibility code there just so that it's easier for VB6 to get familiar with VB.net (sort of like an easy learning curve, a stepping stone). Once you get used to the .net framework, you are ready to use the real thing (everything's there is a real thing, but you know what I mean :) )
  2. Thanks for reply, mate! Hmmm..too bad :( I guess I may have to stick for VB6 for windows standalone apps at the moment (I'm still learning VB.net anyway, when .net is becoming more common, I can start actually producing vb.net apps)
  3. Hi, All! Just a small query. If I create a standard windows form (w/o any database access). Can I run it on a machine which has no .net framework installed on it? Thank you in advance!
  4. Actually that's not what I meant, but thanks! I found an alternative way (a little bit inefficient, but it works) to give the same result. Thanks
  5. In java there's this thing, for example : public class JavaClass1 { static { System.out.println("This function is called once, when the class is loaded in memory"); } } Does VB.net has got an equivalent "static {...}" like the above example java class? Thank you
  6. How about structures? Could we say the same regarding the structure and classes relationship? Can a class really replace structure completely (never mind the speed differences for now)?
  7. Thanks Really? I didn't know that! Thanks. So I think I'll probably go only with classes, because I think it's more organised. :)
  8. Hi, All! Before, I've always put my utility subs/functions in a module. for example module "useless" contains one sub Public Sub printHello() MsgBox("Hello") End Sub But since the true classes & OOP are now coming in. I can just put the sub as a shared sub in Useless class. for example class "Useless" contains one sub Public Shared Sub printHello() MsgBox("Hello") End Sub I know there are differences in calling them. One is "printHello()", the other is "Useless.printHello()" But I feel in this particular issue, class is superior, because you can see the grouping (by class name) directly in the code. So something like "StringUtility.ConvertToNumeric("012")" and "DatabaseUtility.GetDatabaseName()" seems to be nicer to read, especially when you've got lots and lots of utility subs/functions. So does it mean that modules are absolete? What are the advantages of using modules than classes in this particular issue (not as the whole, just this issue)?
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