This is VB6 code, and you are posting your question on a VB.Net site. VB.Net does data access very differently (eg. the recordset object no longer exists).
coldfusion: you can't use pointers in C# (you actually can if you use the unsafe keyword, but its not recommended), but you shouldn't need to. C# abstracts the memory management away from the programmer so you don't need to worry about where your objects are stored, or about cleaning them up when your done. The CLR and the GC manages all this for you.
TPG: using that argument, wouldn't straight MSIL, or ASM be the best language for him to start in then? Higher level languages have a purpose, especially for those getting their feet wet for the first time in .Net
If you following proper coding practices back in VB6, .Net should not come as such as shock to you. VB6 allowed you to program in VERY improper ways, which resulted in very heterogeneous codebases, since there are many different ways to do the same thing (most of them ugly). .Net cleans up the language and for the most part only retains the accepted "proper" way to do things.
So if you have been doing things the proper way in VB6, .Net is pretty straightforward. If you weren't doing things the proper way, then it will be a learning experience.
You would store the username password in a database server. You do not need ASP.Net to use a database.
The messages would be sent back and forth via a custom server that you would have to write that implemented whatever chat protocol you choose to use.
Various things like creating a username password you may choose to do via ASP.Net, but it would not be a good fit for the chat application itself, due to the real-time nature of chat applications.
One is declarative, one is imperative syntax. The advantage of using AddHandler is that you can easily have one method handle multiple events (I may be wrong, but I don't think this is possible with the declarative syntax).
What did is the filename of your config file. It must be the same as your assembly name + the .config.
Set a breakpoint and grab the value of CommandText just before you execute it, then copy-paste that into Query Analyzer (or Access, or whatever DB you happen to be using). Then you will get a more descriptive error why it fails.
If BookingID is set up as an Identity column you shouldn't be setting its value in code, just delete the line of code where you set that, and let SQL Server handle setting its value.
Well there is no Update() method on the DataTable object (which is what you said you were doing). I assumed you were using a DataAdapter to write the changes back to your database in which case you need to have the InsertCommand, UpdateCommand, and/or DeleteCommand set appropriately so it knows how to properly write your changes back. Your help files have plenty of documentation and samples as to how this should be done, there is even a wizard to create a DataAdapter that will build the commands for you.
I think you should be setting mresult in your CalcSquare() code, NOT declaring a local result var (which btw has the same name as the public property, a big no-no).
What is the datatype of username, password and TeamType fields as defined in your database table? I'm guessing one of them is defined as numeric when it should be a string.
You just want a list of any databases? Or do you have any criteria that they must meet?
There is Access, DB2, Interbase, Sybase, Informix, Postgre, Paradox, FoxPro, etc. Literally, TONNES.
you can use the WriteXml() method of the dataset to output an XML representation. If you then want to transform that xml into some other format you can always create your own XSLT to do that.