If you want to use aposthrope in your sql statement then you have to replace each aposthrope with double aposthropes
string temp = "you've got it!";
temp = temp.Replace("'","''");
Problem Solved :)
Thank you for replies...
I have solved the problem using built-in convert function CDbl() as in example:
INSERT INTO temp (name,value) VALUES ('rido',CDbl('35,23'))
I want to parse all links, links' names to use them for speech recognition algorithm. I will add all links,form controls's names etc into my grammar. So the best parser I find, the better recognition it will be...
Has anybody written a speech recognition program as windows application in visual I know that .net speech sdk contains speech controls only for thus i could not write a speech program for windows applications.
Has anybody succeeded working with maskededit control? I could not do currency masking in run-time. How can i change the text box current value when the user inputs digits in run time?