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Everything posted by yogi21

  1. hey i want to write simple text data to a file. the only problem i have is that in the file all the inserted data is put in quotation marks. i used this code: FileOpen(1, "c:\java\test1.bat", OpenMode.Output) WriteLine(1, "@echo off") WriteLine(1, "cd\") WriteLine(1, "java -cp c:\java waveplay " + javastring) WiteLine(1, "cd\") FileClose(1) The output is this: "@echo off" "cd\" "java -cp c:\java waveplay " "cd\" what can i do that the quotation marks will not be stored. thanx a lot yogi
  2. hey all i want to start a java application out of my vb programm. i used the code below but it throws an exception. i don't know where the mistake is. can somebody help me? thanx a lot Dim myProcess As New Process() myProcess.Start("C:\j2sdk1.4.0_01\bin\java.exe waveplay")
  3. i tried to create a setup file by using setup and deployment wizard. i can execute this setup file and it seems to work but when i open the directory where the wizard supposely installed the appication the directory is empty. what can i do?
  4. hey i have a problem. i want to call a java programm out of my visual basic application. is there a possibility to do so? somewhat like: execute(javac myapplication param)??? thanx a lot
  5. hey i trying to merge several wav files together. i found some sample code but still have problems because i use vb 7.0 and it does not know clsWaveIO. can anybody help me. thanx the sample code is below.... clsWaveOUT.Length = 0 clsWaveOUT.DataLength = 0 'Gather header data For u = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 clsWaveIN.WaveHeaderIN(ListBox1.Items(u).ToString()) clsWaveOUT.DataLength = clsWaveOUT.DataLength + clsWaveIN.DataLength clsWaveOUT.Length = clsWaveOUT.Length + clsWaveIN.Length Next u 'Recontruct new header Dim txtoutput As String txtoutput = "C:\Documents and Settings\Johan-Iliane\My Documents\Visual Studio Projects\gerhardt\Studienarbeit\Studienarbeit\output.wav" clsWaveOUT.BitsPerSample = clsWaveIN.BitsPerSample clsWaveOUT.Channels = clsWaveIN.Channels clsWaveOUT.SampleRate = clsWaveIN.SampleRate clsWaveOUT.WaveHeaderOUT(txtOutput) 'Recontruct wave For u = 0 To ListBox1.Items.Count - 1 ifree = FreeFile() ReDim arrFile(FLen(ListBox1.Items(u).ToString()) - 45) Open ListBox1.Items(u).ToString() For Binary Access Read As #ifree Get #ifree, 45, arrFile() Close #ifree ifree = FreeFile() Open txtOutput For Binary Access Write As #ifree Put #ifree, FLen(txtOutput) + 1, arrFile() Close #ifree ListBox1.ListIndex = j Me.Caption = Int(100 / lstFilePath.ListCount * i + 1) & "%" If cmdMerge.Caption = "Merge" Then Exit Sub DoEvents() Next u
  6. hey i want to close 1 form in my project. but when i type in "end" the whole project is closed, but i just want the one form to be closed. thanx. what can i do yogi
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