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Everything posted by Fritz

  1. I think it was Machine.
  2. Sorry, I cannot send attachments here. Also it's quite a while since I wrote this and there might be better solutions meanwhile - and also newer versions of the FW. But you really can do it quite easy with the wizard.
  3. One more question: Is there another way to change the intranet permission to fulltrust (and reset it also, of course)?
  4. I have followed the guidlines to create a redistributable configuration set and created 2 files: 1) frwcfg.msi - to set the framework intranet security to fulltrust 2) frwreset.msi - to reset security Now generally this works - but sometimes not. Sometimes the msi files need to be called twice. It looks like they just slip by, don't really execute completely. I call them with Process.Start(pathtoapplication + "\frwcfg.msi") But if I doubleclick them directly it's the same problem, on all Systems I have tested (W98 / W2k / XP). What can I do?
  5. 1) The computer also has the permission? You have to set the Framework, Intranet to fulltrust. 2) Check the path. Maybe for network the path would have to be: I:\\ERRORS\
  6. Thank you for the quick reply. But I guess I understood something different. I wanted to extract the Install location during the setup. Anyway, meanwhile I figured it out. Maybe you are interested: I am executing a custom action (exe) which needs to know the installpath [TARGETDIR] the user has chosen. So according to all I have read I tried to pass it as CustomActionData and this never worked. Finally I just moved the [TARGETDIR] up to the argument section and there it goes. Last little detail: to receive the argument in the CA.exe you have to cut off the final backslash of the string. What I am a little p.. off is that I have not found any hint in a couple of hundreds of helpfiles and forum posts. All stuff I've seen only talks about creating another installerclass to pass this silly little argument. And I just thought by myself that this was exagerated and that there must be a simpler way. Ok, and here it is! So, have a nice evening, guess in australia it must be about 21 hs. Here it is early morning. Greetz Fritz :cool:
  7. >> I figured out a trick that extracts the location of the app. How did you do that? Im fooling around on this also.
  8. I got it! As usual, if you look for something you don't know yet, you think it is very complicated. But the solution is quite simple: I just had to open the administrative tool for the Framework configuration and there is an assistent to build an msi file which can be used for distribution of the configuration. Works fine from over the shared folder on W98, W2000 and XP. Think for Me and NT will be no problem neither. Fritz ;)
  9. Sorry for double posting. This thread is already being discussed in the network forum.
  10. I have already seen these articles. This works all with the netapi32.dll and the shi_502. But W98/Me only accept svrapi.dll and the shi_50. Also in W2000/XP there is no need to declare ReadWrite permissions because any share is ReadWrite. The Items concerning permissions only handle with passwords and that's not the problem.
  11. >> It might have something to do with the ACL. Try forceing the permissions on the creation of the share. Yes, of course, I think it has to do with the ACL. But I find no way to force it under W98. If I use API, there are 3 different structures: shi_2 - for W2000/XP shi_502 - for NT/2000/XP shi_50 - for W95/98/Me And the shi_50 just seems to have no entry for ACL or security descriptor. I simply don't know enough about these declarations and the help stuff also is only confusing me. As I said: the WMI above at least does everything right for W2000/XP (and NT too I think). And in W98/Me it creates the share, but ReadOnly. I am trying a workaround now, calling the file properties dialog, so the user can at least set the share without having to search the file first. That works but it's not really a fine way.
  12. Thank you for your reply. I have read something about this caspol, but up to now I just could not figure out, how to handle it. To me it seems very very complicated. And beside of that, as far as I understood, it doesn't really exactly the same as the Config.Wizard, it seems to create some code group, but I only want to change the existing security setting. Or am I all wrong? Well, anyway, I don't know how to enter in this caspol from within my app-code. Microsoft help only confuses me.
  13. Still found no solution. I only managed to call the Config.Wizards.exe, but that's not really what I want. I would like to set up the local intranet zone to fulltrust at once, without the user having to search around anymore. Maybe someone could at least tell me, if this is possible or not. Thanks a lot.
  14. Thank you. I'm busy with other problems right now, but I will try your idea once more these days. I'll post the result again. Fritz
  15. If the framework is already installed, then you could make another little program which does the stuff and then calls your setup by process Start. Or maybe you can do something with launch conditions from within the setup. Fritz
  16. As I told you: I have tried that already, and it launches some file after the installation of the app, but this does not mean, that the setup has finished, as the custom action is part of the setup. It only installs the application first and then looks up for additional components to install. And after that, setup will terminate properly with a MsgBox: Setup was terminated successfully! The article you mentioned also says: 'The installation does not fail if the custom action fails.' This means, setup has NOT finished by the time it calls the custom action. About the other possibility, using a registry key called FirstRun, I confess, that I don't have the knowledge on how to do that. But as michelek says, you cannot run the exe before copying any files. Or could explain better? Fritz
  17. To access an application on a shared network folder, you need to adjust frameworks intranet security to fulltrust. Of course you can do this with the ConfigWizards. But now I want to simplify the procedure for the clients, creating a little tool, which does the same automatically. So how can I set the local intranet access to fulltrust by code, supposing that framework is already installed? Must be something with System.security.Permissions / SecurityManager
  18. I am creating a share for my app-folder: Imports System.Management On BTN_CLICK: Dim apath As String = IO.Directory.GetCurrentDirectory() 'Const IsFileShare As Integer = 0 'Const Max_Connections As Integer = 10 Dim Share_Info As String() = {apath, "MyApp", 0} Dim Win_Shares As ManagementClass = New ManagementClass("Win32_Share") Try Win_Shares.InvokeMethod("Create", Share_Info) Catch ex As System.Management.ManagementException MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString) Return Finally Win_Shares.Dispose() End Try MessageBox.Show("Share: " + Share_Info(0) + " succeed!") This works fine for W2000/XP. It also creates a share on Win98/Me, but ReadOnly. And of course like that the App will not run on client machines. I have also tried with API's, all kind of stuff, also with VB6 code, but the code above still works best, except for this silly little detail, and I cannot find a way to change the ReadOnly-mode to ReadWrite. Anybody got an idea? Fritz
  19. I've tried that already. As far as I could see, custom actions only do things during install, like installing additional components or call a Website. But I only can launch the app after it has been installed completely and setup has finished, else setup will be cut off. Or do you know exactly, how to declare the CA, to launch to launch any kind of fancy stuff after? Could be another exe also. All help that I have been consulting up to now, and that was quite a lot, only indicates to CA to be executed during install. Thank you anyway Fritz
  20. Meanwhile I found this: Imports System.Management ... Private Sub Button3_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button3.Click Dim Share_Info As String() = {"c:\MyApp", "MyApp", 0} Dim Win_Shares As ManagementClass = New ManagementClass("Win32_Share") Try Win_Shares.InvokeMethod("Create", Share_Info) Catch ex As System.Management.ManagementException MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString) Return Finally Win_Shares.Dispose() End Try MessageBox.Show(Share_Info(0) + " success!") End Sub This works fine, except on Win98 and Me, there it opens the share only in protected mode, i.e. readonly. Win98 also has to install the WMI component from the Windows CD. I'm searching now for some parameter to set the read/write property, which only exists in Win98/Me. Is there anyone who has experience on that? Fritz
  21. I think you have to install the Bootstrapper PlugIn, then it the setup project will integrate the framework automatically. Search for Bootstrapper PlugIn. Fritz
  22. Of course, I can just rightclick the folder in w-explorer and mark it as shared. Now how could I do this from out of the app, maybe by using a checkbox, if activated the appfolder is put to be shared. Or even better, if the shared-property could already be set at installation time, using dialog with controlboxes. Have been searching around all over and found nothing related to this subject.
  23. How can I launch the installed application or some html-file (Readme-file) after setup has finished? Also would like to know if it's possible, to launch something after running dotnetfx.exe (framework install). I have an app (vb.net2003) which is to be installed as shared on a network. So afterwards I need to install the framework on the client machines to be able to run the app from the network (server or computer which has the app declared as shared). I used to do it with another exe written in vb6, but now I want to simplify the installation for the users.
  24. Found the solution! I don't have to use the installer file at all. It's only necessary to install the flash.ocx in the right folder ([systemfolder]/Macromed/Flash) and declare it as selfRegistering and as system file. That's it. Why do things the simple way, if it is always possible to complicate them. Well, thanks anyway for any help.
  25. Meanwhile I was able to start the Installflasplayer.exe but now the problem is, that it breaks down the main setup. Does anybody know how I could automatically start another exe when the main setup has finished? So I could separate the to install files wihich evidently don't like them eachother very much... Fritz
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