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Everything posted by kurf

  1. Re: Reading directly from Stream you could also try and sleep the thread for 0(zero) which will cause it to yeild and it will help stop the hammering on the processor
  2. You will need to check if the Control requires invoking like so: System.Windows.Forms.Control control = new System.Windows.Forms.Control(); System.Windows.Forms.MethodInvoker updateControl = delegate { //update code here... }; if(control.InvokeRequired) control.Invoke(updateControl);
  3. Why do you guys use third party bb software for the site; Instead of just creating your own, like in ASP.NET?? IMHO- php is nothing but a bunch of hacks glued together... -kurf-
  4. LoL WTFuk I can't stand VB or VB.NET It allows to much non OO style programming!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  5. never mind I found out for myself it's cs and /cs with brackets surrounding each!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  6. Yes I would like to report that everytime I come here to view anything, the pages are all distorted; text don't wrap and everything just runs all the way to the right----------------------------------------> Meaning when someone posts with out hitting enter I have to scroll ALL the way over every dang page! What's up with that too?
  7. I think you all need to look at Actipro Software! :)
  8. Are the Code Tags for C#(Csharp) Broken!?!?!?!? I've tried [c#] [csharp] and to no avail they DO NOT highlight the code! What gives? -kurf-
  9. Oh and I'm using C# 2.0 Express edition btw sorry for not mentioning that...
  10. I have created a database with three tables: 1) Users 2) Empoyees 3) History The history table is related to the employees table through the EmployeeID column in each table, the EmployeeID is the Primary key in the Employees Table, and EmployeeId is the FKey in history table... The employees table has an fkey column called userid which is a relation the the users table pkey userid now I in the datasources window I set the UserTable to be a details view and the othe two tables are gridviews. Then I dragged The USerTable to my form and it created the needed components then i dragged the employees table that was under the usertable and the historytable under the employeestable so the realationships were set right! now when i run the app i have added 3 records and saved them to the database just fine so when i reload the app the records show up properly. i had to add this code to the bindingnavigators save menuItem click event: this.Validate(); this.userTableBindingSource.EndEdit(); this.employeeTableTableAdapter.Update(this.myInformationDataSet.EmployeeTable); this.historyTableTableAdapter.Update(this.myInformationDataSet.HistoryTable); this.userTableTableAdapter.Update(this.myInformationDataSet.UserTable); now when i click the delete menuItem of the bindingnav control it deletes the row and the related rows from the related tables as desired but if i click save menu item it throws an exception:: The DELETE statement conflicted with the REFERENCE constraint "FK_EmployeeTable_UserTable". The conflict occurred in database "C:\DOCUMENTS AND SETTINGS\RHONDA\MY DOCUMENTS\VISUAL STUDIO 2005\PROJECTS\WAID\WAID\BIN\DEBUG\MYDATA\MYINFORMATION.MDF", table "dbo.EmployeeTable", column 'UserID'. The statement has been terminated. How do I commit the changes to the underlying datasource. I don't understand it, cause when I add a new record then enter all the data into the tables and click saveMenuItem it saves fine but not if i delete a record then save it??? Please help! TIA
  11. I currently use SQL Server 2005 and support it fully and choose no other :D
  12. 2003? I would like to know why you have chosen 2003 and not vs 2005
  13. Well I was wanting to know why would you need a single file assembly with the .exe extension (" myAssembly.exe" ) ?? I knew the latter of what you spoke! Thank you for your time though! -will
  14. I'm still new to .net and been trying to understand Assemblies alot more. So I've been doing some reading and was wondering what exactly is the purpose of creating a "Single File Assembly" that has an .exe extension! -will IS it simular to ActiveX components with the .exe extension? -will
  15. The same as with vbExpress! From what I can tell I'm going to be doing alot of manual labor with these datasets in the express IDE! I appreciate the Info; Thanks. -will
  16. That's all I've been able to figure out also! Thank you for your reply. -will
  17. Omg! Nvm...
  18. Can anyone tell me why when I try to create a seperator item in my menu I only get the "-"(hyphen) and not a seperator? I'm using VBExpress.2005.FrameWork(2.0).XP.HomeEdition! -Thanks.
  19. Thank you- Just did thank you! I was also looking for this!!!! Thanks for sharing. :D
  20. I've been going through the walkthrough put together here by MS and I've reached this problem:: I have the vbExpress edition and do not see this "TAB"; could someone explain a little about performing this in the "Express Edition"? -will
  21. Wow! I just checked out Volts 3.35; Great work congrats! I'm working on something simular for my Construction Business!
  22. Innovative; I like it! Thanks for sharing.
  23. I am trying to figure out how to setup the control to look like the one in the picture i included! Any help will be greatly appreciated! Im using the latest version of sanddock control!
  24. [PLAIN][Resolved] Thanks![/PLAIN] Thank you for the help!
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