From what i can see in the sdk, you dont seem to be passing anykind of sprite in, null or otherwise
if this is the call your after
public int DrawText(Sprite, string, ref Rectangle, DrawTextFormat, Color);
and sDevInfo is your string to be displayed you would still need a sprite of some sort
Dim MySprite as Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3d.Sprite
MySprite = new Microsoft.DirectX.Direct3d.Sprite(d3ddevice)
fntOut.DrawText(MySprite, _
sDevInfo, _
New Drawing.Rectangle(5, 5, 0, 0), _
DrawTextFormat.Left Or DrawTextFormat.Top, _
Drawing.Color.FromArgb(255, 200, 128, 64))
where d3ddevice is a valid device, might be the sort of thing your after - might not even have to initilise MySprite either (ie replacing second line with MySprite = nothing, or removing it all together maybe what the sdk is referingto by null)
- havnt dabbled with the DrawText routines myself yet...