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  1. hys

    Help: buttons

    ok i've got 2 different forms on my page and i've got a submit button for each form but no matter which text box i am filling out either on form 1 or form2 when i hit enter the first submit button gets actiavted how do i fix this...
  2. hys


    Hello, I was wondering if anyone know of a way I can validate that the user has entered a currency amount.. I need it to validate that it is a currency: possible entries include $5 5.00 $5.00 5 5.0 $5.0 all above entries are variations of $5.00 and if the entry is not in the format of $x.xx then i need to format that to be able to import into database
  3. Hello guys, Just a quick question... I've spent hours reading tech. guides but had no success.. How do i connect to an access database (data.mdb) and run the query: "SELECT members.UserName FROM members WHERE (((members.UserName)='" & User & "') AND ((members.Password)='" & Password & "'))" ignore the User and Password those are variables which will be passed through in the code then i need to get the UserName that returns in the query ... and a recordcount that comes back ..
  4. Ok this is what i want to do retrieve the dataitem picture and see if it contains anything if it doesnt respond with nothing for that field. This is done inside <ItemTemplate> of a DataGrid <% If %><%# DataBinder.Eval(Container, "DataItem.Picture") %><% = Nothing then response.write("NOTHING") %>
  5. so how do u use this Socket and TcpClient
  6. but how do i replicate a control that is already on the form at the moment i have a winsock control on the form, with the defaulted parameters... therefore i would like to make two instances of the control...
  7. Hello all, Just a quick question ... I used to be able to use indexs in VB 6 to dynamically recreate and item ... but there are no indexs in VB.NET help !!! say i have a winsock control .. named ... wSck ... how do i get wSck(0) and wSck(1) and so on...
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