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Everything posted by FlyBoy

  1. i have the following pattern (part of a pattern which validates urls..) i know its still not perfect but i have a question about it... this is the pattern : ("((http)|(https))://(w{3}\.)(\w)") it valids this : http://www.w should be ok. but when i enter this: http://www.ww.... it also ok....hmm...how to fix this that it would be accept the dots..?? its problem in here (\w).
  2. sweeeeeeet!!! thanx again mate! im starting to understand this regexp thingy....(heared about it only before 2 days ago) :)
  3. i have the following date vaidation regex pattern: [0-3]\d-(JAN|FEB| MAR|APR|MAY|JUN|J UL| AUG|SEP|OCT|NOV|D EC) -\d{4} i now its fine...i think that the days pattern is somewhat wrong isnt it? i mean you can enter nubers bigger then 31 right? so any idea how to fix it????
  4. 10x mate! now i uderstand it! ! ! many 10x
  5. 10x for the reply! this pattern as i said before matches to host names such as : http://www.contoso.com i dont see any hyphen in here. :( :( still cant understand this hyphen thingy. if i had to rewrite this pattern i would do it like this: (\w{3}\.)+(\w (2,3) and i guess its wrong.
  6. i have the following pattern: ([\w\-]+\.)+ ([\w\-]{2,3}) which should validate a hostname adress. i cand understan some parts of it. i know that the \w represents and "word" chaaracter. but what the \- does???????
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