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Everything posted by FlyBoy

  1. im programming in VB.NET at the moment...actually only a begginner,but progressing very well. already have knowledge in ASP.NET , SQL , ADO.NET (data bases...sql access,,,lbabll) and im looking for my next language. my question is,should i go for C#??? (lots of ppls are saying that its almost the same as VB.NET). oh and btw...i dont know C++. or should i go for java??? C++ or anything esle??? 10x in advance.
  2. i acnt figure out what it used for??? for e.g in this : Dim ColorNames() As String ColorNames = System.Enum.GetNames(GetType(KnownColor)) what the getype is for,looked in google\msdn ,found it...but to no avail. :o 10x
  3. im reading a book ... and now im in the phase of binary data..converting from string\and\or any other data types to binary and vice versa, using bitconverter ,memorystream,binarywriter,binaryreader. my question is...what the use of converting data to binary???? why do i need this??? (except from encoding files and such...) 10x in advance.
  4. i see...so before the "flush" nothing is written yet? until the flush that copies everything from the buffer to the file? 10x!!!
  5. what it really used for? i use it all the time,before closing a file when using streamXXXXX. but i really dont know what its doing...and why i have to use it. 10x in advance
  6. so i can use the convert.todecimal or Cdec right? so what are the diffrences between them? i mean why i should use parase rather then Cdec? 10x for the answer
  7. well thanks for that ... oh and btw...i never knew what the .Parse function is for?
  8. i want that the string (number) which the user inputs gonna convert to a currency format , anyone knows how i should do it? for e.g: dim str as string = "" str=textbox1.text str=str.tostring("C") doest work :( lets say the user input is 12000 i want to convert it to 12,000 anyway to do it?
  9. Ok problem Solved!!! thank for the help!!!! many many thanks!
  10. 10x again.!!!! :cool: ok i figured out what is going on...when i use more then one grouping in one pattern its not returning anything :( :( for e.g: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim fw As New StreamReader("d:\wave2.txt") Dim str As String = "" Dim reg As New Regex("(\<TR ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER\>\<TD\>\<FONT COLOR='#FFCC33'\> (?<time>\d{3}\:\d{2})\<\/FONT\>\<\/TD\>\<TD\>\<FONT COLOR='#FFCC33'\>(?<ht>\d{1}\.\d{2})\<\/FONT\>\<\/TD\>)") str = fw.ReadToEnd Dim match As MatchCollection match = reg.Matches(str) Dim mt As Match For Each mt In match MsgBox(mt.Groups("time").Value.ToString) Next End Sub End Class doesnt returning time. but when i remove "<ht>" group back to its default,i get the time string\group to be displayed. and its not that my "<ht>" group has any syntax mistake...it doesnt have any. (?<ht>\d{1}\.\d{2}) = suppose to match 1.23. what is wrong with it???
  11. thanks for that!!! i've tried something like that: Private Sub Button1_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button1.Click Dim fw As New StreamReader("d:\wave2.txt") Dim str As String = "" Dim reg As New Regex("(\<TR ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER\>\<TD\>\<(?<name>(\noop)) COLOR='#FFCC33'\> (?<time>\d{3}\:\d{2})\<\/FONT\>\<\/TD\>)") str = fw.ReadToEnd Dim match As MatchCollection match = reg.Matches(str) Dim mt As Match For Each mt In match MsgBox(mt.Groups("time").Value.ToString) Next End Sub End Class and it doesnt displays anything...something wrong???? bahh...i have to know this "grouping" thing
  12. 10x ;) ;) ;)
  13. in my form_load sub...im trying to make a procedure which reads all the user names from a file using the streamreader and then putting them all into a listbox. all works fine...unless when the file does not exitst. so i tried the following thing(in the form load): if file.exist("c:\1.txt")=false then file.create("c:\1.txt") else dim fs as new filestream("c:\1.txt") ** the file to listbox procedure ** end if then when im trying to get into the file again,to read or write from the program it says that its already being used....(i guess by the "file.create" actually im sure..) any idea how to release it from this file.create???
  14. does anyone knows a good book for java begginers? im vb.net\asp\sql (ado net) programmer...with a few knowledge in javascript (which isnt java!!!) does anyone knows a good book for java?? and what is the name of the java programming environment???? (i mean where do i write the java code?)
  15. yo 10x again!!!! bahh...looks like i need to get used to MSDN! i hate msdn since its very coarse
  16. is there anyway to substract two dates..for e.g dim dt as date dt.adddays(1).substract(date.now) and to get a days result...i mean if dt.adddays(1) will result 13.9.04 so after the substract i want to get : 1 day. and not the date. any idea how? 10x in advance.
  17. FlyBoy


    i see...thank u very very much!!
  18. FlyBoy


    i've tried that ....and it didnt work. but somehow now it works...maybe it was someting with my syntax which i havent noticed. thanks!!!! btw...when i should use the "timespan" thing?? read about it in msdn...but still cant figure it out. :confused: :confused:
  19. FlyBoy


    dates is this a good way to compare dates? chk = (dt.AddDays(30).ToString < Date.Now.ToString) i hope its comparing the dates and not the string length...as i think. but the final result is ok..(i guess) the dt date is a date which i took out from a file. im trying to make a time evaluation...
  20. i made a seatch about it...and its also regards to cellular phones. ;)
  21. i have the following html\txt based file. (only one line from it) <TR ALIGN=CENTER VALIGN=CENTER><TD><FONT COLOR='#FFCC33'> 11:40</FONT></TD> <TD><FONT COLOR='#FFCC33'>1.54</FONT></TD> (its one line...not two in the source file) i want to make a pattern which give this : 11:40 and this : 1.54 i know how to do it,but in two seperated patterns...my question is,how to do it in one pattern. i have the pattern which take this:11:40 out...here it is: ("(\>\s\d{2}):(\d{2})") but how to take both out in one pattern?????? 10x in advance.
  22. can someone explain me what is that??? i know what asp.net...but what with the "mobile" thingy?
  23. it was right...but i forgot a minor thing...one qoute at the end... ;) now it works
  24. 10x!! again.... ;) im progressing with regex... :cool:
  25. im trying to do the follwing : strdsplay = New StreamReader(Application.StartupPath & "\" & AmeCSAex.txt) i guess my error is in here "Application.StartupPath " i just wants the program to load the file from its dir. how to correct it?
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