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Everything posted by dynamic_sysop

  1. hey thanx that works great, how come there's no more frmTrace.Show?
  2. hi could anyone shed some light on how to show a second form in .net plz? in vb6 i'd have something like Public Sub ShwfrmOps_Click() frmOps.Show End Sub i notice that if i merge a project from vb6 it says frmOps.Definstance.Show but there is no option for this when making a new project in .net, i am rebuilding a totally new client using .net rather than just merging from vb6 as this wont teach me much. basically i'm making me new chat client and going to release a vb6 version and a .net version as the listviews r very good in .net and allow most of the current font characters to show where as the listview / comon control in vb6 shows many characters as ??'s on my client i have various option forms for example a frmData which shows the server trace on joining etc... now i cant for the life of me find a way to show this form when connecting my client, i click the button and nothing happens, i've tried frmTrace.ActiveForm.Show and a few other ways but nothing:-\
  3. is it possible in vb.net or vb6 to run an app that uses a browser with a user created html without having the html file appear on the drive? for exapmle open App.LogPath & "\test.htm" for output as #1 Print #1,"classid here" Print #1,"info" Print #1,"more info" Close #1 webbrowser.Navigate App.LogPath & "\test.htm" this puts the test.htm in my C:\ directory but i'd like to be able to make it so it doesnt have to open a directory , rather navigate from within the app. i've tried making a sub and telling it the source of the html then telling the browser to navigate the sub but it returns that the sub = "":-\
  4. i must admit i do like the things i see in .net, guess it's like learning all over again tho
  5. i seem to think "if it aint broke, dont fix it" so why do microsoft alter the way code works in vb.net from how it works in vb6?
  6. so basically if i do something like ..... Dim L as ListViewSubItem Dim sName as String For Each L in ListView.Items if Lisview.Items(L) = sName Then Lisview.Items.Forecolor = "blabla" exit for end if next would that work for the colour of the item?
  7. ok i now know how to remove an item from a listview in vb.net by comparing it, a few things that i'd like to know ( if these things are possible ) 1, i run an msn chatroom, there are various member profile icons and i filter all the usernames on joining a chatroom with my client, however an owner = "gold hammer" icon and a host = "brown hammer" icon, now these appear at the top of the list normally in a chtroom, but the only way to get them to the top and make them stay there is to put a space before the name ( the problem is that this mixes host and owner icons together and "gold" should be at the very top followed by "brown", basically to cut it short is it possible to tell a listview that if a name has a gold or brown icon next to it that them names should be at the top of the list? 2, in vb6 using custom control pack 6 i can change the colour of a particular line in a listview, so if i join a chatroom and someone is marked as "away" my client put's a cup next to the persons name and shades the name grey. is it possible to do something like this in .net? in vb6 i'd use something like Lview.Listitems(i).Forecolor = &000 etc...
  8. txtMain.SelectionFont = New System.Drawing.Font("Webdings", 10.0!) i sussed it
  9. yup, but the books dont seem to teach you anything. anyway a few things i have sussed with listview like say...... txtMain.SelectionFont = New Font(txtMain.SelectionFont, FontStyle.Italic) to set a font to itallic, but nothing shows how to change a font from say "Webdings" to "Tahoma"
  10. thanx m8 i have been trying to find this out for a long time now and you have fixed my problem, can i ask if there is a place that actually references these things anywhere? cuz i have a teach your self vb.net book and it's basically a waste of time:-\
  11. i've tried all that but no good, even a visual studio.net book doesnt say how to do it, i find this a mighty weird step for microsoft seein how straightforwards listviews were.
  12. Hi can someone please help me with a question on listview in visual basic.net, i have always used vb6 and to remove an item is easy in that for example..... Dim sName as String, i as Integer For i = 1 to listview.listitems.count if listview.listitems(i).text = sName Then listview.listitems.remove(i) Exit For End if Next i this would remove the item from the listview in vb6, but in .net i cant find anyway of removing an item short of if you have selected it:-\ , i make chat clients on msn-chat and use listview as the names list, therefore i cant just make it so an item is removed by clicking on it, i have to have a userparted sub and then compare the user's name with the name in the listview. any help with this would be greatly appreciated ty:)
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