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Everything posted by dynamic_sysop

  1. Hi could someone tell me if it's possible to colour a toolbar in .net? i have tried setting the forecolour and backcolour properties, but it doesnt work , using system.drawing.colours etc..., this method of colouring works on other controls so i know i'm colouring correctly, just wont work on a toolbar:confused: any help would be appreciated ty.
  2. ty elicat :) , quite ironic really, cuz i run a chat room and met my wife through chat, her nickname was "cat" and i'm originally from holland not uk ( almelo to be precise )
  3. hi guys , this is probably useless and someone's probably come up with a similar thing no doubt, but i have devised a bit of code to allow a second form to be loaded from faded to normal ( Opacity ). Dim strVal As String Dim i As Integer Dim op As New OpacityConverter() For i = 1 To 100 strVal = i Form1.ActiveForm.Opacity = op.ConvertFromString(strVal) Next i basically it loads the form ( that was the actuall main form, not a seperate form just for testing ) and fades it in from virtually unvisible to normal form view.:) looks nice when loading certain forms rather than a new form just appearing.
  4. i always like the blabla explanation lol. the boolean has been a god send in vb6 for me so i carried it over and have used it for various instances in .net already. anyway glad to have finally been of assistance to someone on here instead of me asking a question.
  5. s'ok i figured it out lol Dim frm3 As New Form1() If e.KeyCode = Keys.Enter Then frm3.SendData(txtSend.Text) End If thats in the child forms txtsend_KeyDown sub and also i had Dim WithEvents Socket As SocketsClient() and then in form load socket = new socketsclient this was throwing it all out, so i changed the code at the top of the form to Dim WithEvents Socket As New SocketsClient() and it works ok now
  6. hi could someone tell me if it's possible to call a sub from 1 form when it's on another like you could in vb6? for example on my mdi parent form i have a socket and from the child form i want to send text from a textbox through the socket, if i try something like frmMain. it doesnt show the socket obviously as it's only made on that form and not public for the whole project, so i have tried a seperate sub on the parent form ( Public Sub SendData(sndData as String) with socket if .connected = true then .senddata(.StringToBytes(sndData & vbcrlf) end if end with end sub ****************** now in vb6 if i put that on a form then from another form i could call it by say frmMain.SendData( strdata ) but with .net it wont work:confused: any help on this would be appreciated ty.
  7. could you not use something like a boolean? maybe Dim FrmLoaded as Boolean then on start up the boolean = False and when you load the first instance of the child form the boolean = True , then if the boolean = true tell it not to be able to load a childform ( ie: if frmLoaded = True then exit sub , else frmChild = new form2 , frmChild.Show blabla )
  8. i came on the site to post a message asking about keyascii = 13 and i found this post which has answered the question i was going to ask, ty very much guys :D
  9. any chance of a copy of the finished project to see how it works? or maybe a snippet of the code for the script engine? i've never seen the System.CodeDom yet so didnt know about any of this.
  10. the reason i want script option is, i build irc clients and want to give people the option to add their own scripts in to them ( mirc does this , ie: you can make a scripts which adds as many sockets as you want it to and then connects them sockets to the places you want, you can also tell mirc to respond to things, like if someone on the irc channel says something which contains profanity, the script triggers off a kick/ban ) basically i want to put out an irc client that people can build upon as they can with mirc.
  11. hi does anyone know how to use the script control in vb6 or .net? or maybe have a code example? i can add a script control to a form in vb6 and then add text to a textbox saying " msgbox "test" " and hit a button and it makes a messagebox appear, however if i try to add proper code like Dim Socket as such and such , it just comes up with a line error, i'm not sure if there's a particular format for these script controls to recognise/decypher code before it will make a form respond. any help would be appreciated on this ty.
  12. i think this is probably the same way you are doing it Dim x As New frmTrace() x = New frmTrace() x.Show() thats how i have been using it, but like you say it probably wont retain the text in the memory, in vb6 using Me.Hide and Me.Show seemed so straight forwards.
  13. hi can someone tell me if it's possible to close a seperate exe which is running through vb ( vb6 or .net ) for example say i have an exe called test.exe running open on the desktop, i wish to run form1 and click button1 on form1 to close test.exe:-\ any help greatly appreciated ty.
  14. has anyone got a way of sorting out the order of a listview by the type of small icon next to the word rather than just the alphabetical order. eg... if the small image index was "0" any word with that image went to the top of the list, followed by any word with the small image index "1" etc...
  15. For Each lv In ListView1.Items If lv.Text Like "*" & fileP & "*" Then lv.ImageIndex = 0 End If Next that puts the icon in place :) no need to remove it first
  16. hey i'm gettin there:) Dim x As New frmTrace i put in the forms code at the top, then in the menufrmTrace_click i put x = New frmTrace() x.Show() this has fixed the problem :)
  17. An unhandled exception of type 'System.ObjectDisposedException' occurred in system.windows.forms.dll Additional information: Cannot access a disposed object named "frmTrace". thats the exact error code, i have to have Dim x As New frmTrace() at the top of the form because i need x.Raw.SelectedText in 3 subs " ocx.DataArrival , Server1 and Server2", if i put Dim x As New frmTrace in the menuTrace_click it will open and close the form without fail but the serverdata never shows in the x.Raw , however if i only do Dim x As New frmTrace at the top of the form it shows the server data, but then once the form is closed it wont re-open, seems to be going round in circles
  18. ok that code shows the form no probs, but if i close the form then try to re-open it ,it crashes and says cannot open a disposed form, so i tried doing stuff like hide etc... and close within the frmTrace closing and from onclosed and the dispose sub but nothing
  19. this listview thing is going well, however a few things that are a bit long winded are... Public Sub BeGoldAway(ByVal fileP As String) For Each lv In ListView1.Items If lv.Text Like fileP Then ListView1.Items.Remove(lv) ListView1.Items.Add(fileP & "(host)", 8) End If Next End Sub basically to add an icon next to a name in the list i have to remove the name then add it again, the reason is that to start with i just add all the names then i filter their profile values which all have different icons. there must be a way tho to just add the icon in that sub, like in vb6 it would be "listview1.Listitems(i).smallicon = 0" also have tried various ways to change the colour of a particular icon but no joy :(
  20. cheers dude the 0 worked "If s.Substring(0, 1) = "." Then Me.BeGold(s)" slowely getting to grips with it all
  21. i'm tearin me hair out :( i've tried.... Dim s as string If s.Substring(1, 1) = "." Then Me.BeGold(s) ( ".") being the first character of the nickname also tried If s.Substring(1, s) = "." Then Me.BeGold(s) and If s.Substring(1, 1) is "." Then Me.BeGold(s) nothing seems to be working tho :S
  22. when i do sValue = snick.Left it returns Left is not a member of string, it doesnt give left or mid or right as an option on the drop down menu, most odd
  23. also is there a Left function in .net? i use this alot in vb6, like say you have a row of data like ":TKCHATACHAT001" and you put sValue = Left(Data , 3) sValue would be ":TK"
  24. i currently reference the msn chat control library to convert from ansii text like say "â�¢Ã�ynamicâ�²Â§â�¢Ã�row§erâ�¢" to "�Ðynamic′§�ßrow§er�" readable format, to do this requires Msn.ConvertedString , however i was wondering if it is possible to convert from ansii / utf8 to unicode without having to use a large ocx file like the msn chat control? say like sName = unicode(sName)
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