Hi there,
I have trawled the MSDN site and this forum for answers but its a bit sketchy.
I would like to know how to succesfully incorporate the MSDE into my new application's Blue screen setup.
I have read the Microsoft pages related and most of it makes sense. I downloaded the SDK. Installed ORCA and began playing with a copy of myProgramme.msi
Starting to add the .msm's at item 1 it threw up many errors and warnings.
I know that once you merge the MSM's you need to
configure the default settings for MSDE installation (SA account etc).
Is there anyone who has done this?
If so can you reply with explaining:-
[1] how you solved the conflicts in ORCA when adding msm's.
[2] What msm's are needed and any that can be not included
[3] When the msi image is complete, what and where do u configure the ini strings for the MSDE install (SA account,password)
[4] Anything else a relatively newcomer needs to know about in this area.
I have been programming for more than 6 years but this environment is not only new to me but very confusing and pretty un explained.
Thanks in advance