Yes I've tried this. Here is my original code:
Dim hwrRequête As HttpWebRequest
Dim hwrRéponse As HttpWebResponse
Dim hwrFlux As Stream
Dim fsrFlux As FileStream
Dim octTampon(999) As Byte
Dim intLecture As Integer
fsrFlux = New FileStream(m_strFichierCible, FileMode.Create)
hwrRequête = CType(WebRequest.Create(m_strURL), HttpWebRequest)
hwrRéponse = CType(hwrRequête.GetResponse, HttpWebResponse)
hwrFlux = hwrRequête.GetResponse.GetResponseStream
intLecture = hwrFlux.Read(octTampon, 0, 1000)
fsrFlux.Write(octTampon, 0, intLecture)
Loop Until intLecture = 0
If Not hwrFlux Is Nothing Then hwrFlux.Close()
If Not fsrFlux Is Nothing Then fsrFlux.Close()
I now know that I have a Proxy to go through. The exception message I got is the following:
"The underlying connection was closed: the remote name could not be resolved"
My pb is that I don't know the name of the proxy. Instead I have to support an automatic configuration script. If I read the Internet Lan Settings, I have:
http://xxxx.yy:8080/cfg as the script.