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Everything posted by Varghjärta

  1. #EDIT: This is annoying. I think i've almost solved it. I seriusly hate when after weeks of experimentation the solution is too simple to have come up in your head... sigh. I managed to make a drop onto winamp and other applications, just needs tweaking I reckon for it to work as I want.. and I just HAD to post this tonight.. ach, the shame. Hey!, No one has ever been able to help me with this problem, i'v spend countless hours on MSDN trying to research it but to no avail. And now i'm desperate. Doing internal drag and drops on my own forms is easy enough, but I want to drag something of my form onto a windows application that accepts drops and for it to understand what I dropped. Lets say I had a form with a label with a path to an mp3 file(or even a listview with an item representing a file). I would then want to put that path into the drag-data and drag it onto Winamp's main window and have it play that mp3. It sounds easy to do but I have tried everything it seems and I just can recreate whatever super-classified-special format that shell-drag/drops are made in :(. If someone could help I would be deeply grateful!
  2. Not that I've used c++ in .net but if it's .net my advice would be to go thru the System.Drawing; And from there you could use the Image-class which should have a FromFile()-method which creates an image object that could be passed on to the picture-box. PS. No idea if this would work in managed C++ or whatever it's called. I use mainly C# for everything .Net.
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