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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A

  1. This is what I call "State-of-the-Art-Post". Thank you very much for the info! :) Ok, one final question and I'm done. Of all grids you know (dispiting how licenced they are and their price) what grid would you advise me having in count the following: 1- Compatible with framework v1.1 2 - Easy to use. Like: "textBox1.text = myGrid.SelectedRow[ColNum].value.ToString();" 3 - Simple features. I only need a grid to link a DataTable and retrieve its values of the selected row. Also being able to manipulate its data through code. Nothing else! (Well, the grid can support thousands features, I don't mind that, as long it remains easy to use). 4 - No hierarchical fetures required. 5 - Possible to customize its appearance (I mean loading image as background, being able to change every color of it etc...). However, this is not important as the previous points I stated. Thank you once more Nerseus.
  2. Thank you Nerseus! What about non-freeware versions? Any recomendations?
  3. I would like to know is there is any better alternative to v1.1 .net Datagrid Control, specialy if it is freeware... Thank you.
  4. Nice! Thanks Nate, however, I wonder if there is any other method... Can we return the serial number of the Motherboard?
  5. I thought I could easly do this by retrieving the MacAddress of a computer, but, stupid me, if the computer does not have Network card there is no MacAddress. So what I need is to generate a code based on an unique value of a computer. I just need to know which unique value(s) can I get from the system in order to me to generate a key based in the very same value... If the solution for this is to get all hardware ID, how can I do this?
  6. Hi Nate, I know how to resize bitmap objects, but I was refering about scaling DirectX.Texture objects directly, bacause, using bitmaps for scalling and them having to convert them to DX.Textures is a FPS killer (I tryed this already). :(
  7. This thread's problem is solved, I can now load the forms without having VS2005 carashing out. Unfortunately I did not discovered the solution since I did nothing else besides loading the same project again and trying to opening it. 10 days ago VS2005 would crash by doing this, now it opens the very same project with no problem. Beats me...
  8. Thks for the post tfowler. I guess now understand why VS 2005 is freeware for the next months. We are simply beta testing this product, which clearly was not tested enough before its BETA label was removed... Good thing we also get a lifetime license. I guess the trade off is fair enough. All in all I just hope this product's quality gets much better by the time its license is changed to prohitware, which I think it will happen (I mean, I hope)...
  9. Thak you for your post once more Nate, but I must know how to scale textures before I can try this...
  10. I mean using DirectX... I post this in the wrong place, I would be glad if this thread could be transfered to the DX section. Thank you.
  11. I though this was easy, but now that I tryed to scale a texture, I simply can't do it... Is the scale thingie done inside the Sprite.Draw2D() parameters?
  12. Hey, I finally met you Denaes :)
  13. What If I asked you to drop me a line showing me how to get and convert the backbuffer into a texture? I would really apreciate that. Netherthe less, thank you very much for your help so far. :)
  14. Jesus, I can't believe I'm the only one having (or had) this problem around here... :(
  15. Yes, as a matter of fact I will consider that... BTW, do you actually know a place where I can upload my package do be available to anyone with a size limite bigger then 2MB? Because the new version have improved graphics and will be DirectX (meaning it will be bigger).
  16. Hi, tks for the posts Nate, I'm just trying to retrieve (at some point) all that is rendered in the backbuffer as image because I need to scale its contents +50%, and then, drawn back the scaled image to the screen. Example: [i](Pseucode)[/i] You clear the screen (800x600) using black color; [i]You draw the following into the back buffer[/i] You draw a 300 pixel diameter circle; You draw a 100x200 box; And you draw 120x50 box; [i]Now you retrieve all that is drawn so far and scale it by +50%[/i] Texture = BackbufferContents; ScaledImageTexture = Texture.Size +50% You clear the screen again using black color you draw the scaled image; Continue drawing other graphics which are no needed to be scaled If this is called screen shot, or some type of reflection, I really can't tell... Just a question about the surfaceLoarder.Save, what kind of object is it? Can you add a line for me to see the way you declare it?
  17. How can this be done? I need to retrieve the backbuffer image and copy it to a texture or whatever device.present() is going to show back to a texture. Thank you
  18. Ok, can you upload your project? I'll look into it.
  19. Every time I try to open a form from the project VS 2005 Express crashes. Yet, when I try to open the form's .rexs I get the following messsage: "The designer loader has not been initialized yet. You may only call this method after initialization." I'm using Both 2003 and 2005. I've uninstalled/re-installed 2005. The problem remains :(
  20. Sorry Denaes, yesterday I was too tired to mess around with the program's code. I will post the new version today, yet, it will include the DirectX version too :), which is 90% complete. 100% when I get home :)
  21. Thank you for the post and for trying it out Denaes. I will add a new key config (Q,W,E,A,S,D) so that it can run properly on laptops. About the duplicating images, that's odd, because I unpack them with no problem, yet, by examining the archives there are no duplications. I will follow your advice and remove the EOB label from the program, just in case ;). About wall variety, that is a must logicaly! Tons of walls variations will take place :). From cracked walls to dirty ones, from ornamented to simple ones etc... But remember that Wizardry 8 is realtime 3D. This one is Pre-rendered :)
  22. Ahhh great. So it did worked. :) Thks Cags. Say cags, I'm gathering a party to create an EOB game. Already have a person (who recently managed to edit a book of his) to write me a story, game rules and game maps. Would you like to participate in such project? I'll describe the project details if you show any interest on this.
  23. It works perfectly... I tryed it in a few computers. Are you sure that all the graphics are in the graphics dir?
  24. Let me check it...
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