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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A
Well, I got it, instead of resizing the texture I resize the sprite in which the textures and drawn in :)
How can I accomplish this? How can I resize a Texture (either up or down)?
Doing libe breaks on Crystal Reports....
EFileTahi-A replied to EFileTahi-A's topic in Database / XML / Reporting
Hi Pendragon.. Long time no see you... Thanks for the post. I can't really believe in this! -
I can crop them easly but the minute I draw it back it becomes opaque :( Bitmap bitSize = new Bitmap(32, 32); Image pic = Bitmap.FromFile(sCurrentFile,true); Graphics g = Graphics.FromImage(bitSize); g.DrawImage(pic, dstRectangle, srcRectangle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel) ; I really don't know how to make it working, I think when I load the image to the Bitmap object it simply looses its tranparency alpha channel, no?
All financial programs here on portugal must now be able to export the their database in a XSD type file, but, I don't have a clue how to do this in my application. They gave me however, a XSD file containing all fields and the data structure to hold all companies' data. So, what will I do? Load the XSD file into my application and fill it on my own throught code? Or I should generate the whole thing to a XML file and then convert it to XSD? Either way, I don't know how to do it, I'm reading some tutorials for XML but I can't find nothing regarding XSD. I also heard that I need a SDX.exe or so to conver the XML into a XSD... is this true? God Help me... Thank you all in advance...
Doing libe breaks on Crystal Reports....
EFileTahi-A replied to EFileTahi-A's topic in Database / XML / Reporting
Please, if I did not explain myself that good, do let me know about it as I really need help on this. -
Doing line breaks on Crystal Reports.... I have a long string with line breaks on a multi text box that needs to be printed throught Crystal reports. The problem is that Crystal Reports simply ignores all line breaks and joins all text in a row. How can I walk around this?
My VS 2005 C# Express compiles the code and skips all errors...
EFileTahi-A replied to EFileTahi-A's topic in General
Yeah! it was set to "Run older version" when an error would be encoutered. I've changed that, now its working just fine... Hey, nice new Avatar Marble! Thank you! - THREAD RESOLVED - -
I cannot start it up by executing it throught .NET. This works just fine: Process.Start("\\mySQLDump.exe", "--help"); I can see clearly the help menu appear, even if the DOS window closes emidiatly. This works if I type it directly on command window or executing from "Start/execute" "mySQLDump -u root myDatabase > d:\test" However, the following does not work: Process.Start("\\mySQLDump.exe", "-u root myDatabase > d:\test"); Why? Well I managed to take a screenshot from the DOS (after many tries) with the following message: c:\mysql\bin\mySQLDump.exe: Can't get CREATE TABLE for table '>' (Can't find file '.\myDatabase\>.frm (errno: 22)) Where the heck came the "\myDatabase\>.frm"??? And why is it trying to create a table? Also, why is it assuming '>' is a table?... Any piece of info will be incredible welcome no matter how small it might be...
Yeah, I do have the program.cs file. I see what u mean :) Than you! - THREAD CLOSED -
Hello folks, It's been a while since I last posted here... I would love to know how can I startup my .NET v2.0 project with a class instead of a form. I could do this in v1.1 but I don't know how to do this in 2.0. Thank you :)
No! I won't tell you! It's mine! I found it first! Control[] arrCtrls = this.Controls.Find("controlName", true); The boolean value indicates wether should the search include child containers too. :D
I made it. :)
Is there a simple method to search for a specific control (by its name) in a form without loops? I need to access a Target control on the form to manipulate its properties, and since its name is a variable I need to find it and grab it. The result should be something like this: Control cCtrl = this.GetControl("controlaName");
I don't see any report viewer in VS 2005... How can use CR in VS 2005?
I really need help here... You are my only hope. :(
EFileTahi-A replied to EFileTahi-A's topic in General
Thank you both for the posts. Plausibly, I got an extra work at the momment which will consume my time for a week or 2. Whenever I got the oportunity to try what you suggested I'll post about it. Thank you once more! -
Ok (deep breath)... I'm using this Software called "Card Five" to print credit-card like cards. It uses an access database to retrieve information, name and a photo. I made an application to add automatically all photos to the access database (the fotos have the same name as the persons ID). My program works great and already have added all photos to the dabase. Unfortunately, when I use Card-Five program to get the images from the access database the program shows nothing in the preview box (a 50x50 label which normally would show the photo). When I manually add a picture using Card-Five (browing the folders and selecting a picture file) it works great. The minute I use my proggie to add the pictures Card-Five simply refuses the show me anything. The only thing it shows is a white image with some black text saying: "Picture Format". I've checked the type of data stored in the access database from both Card-Five and my application and they are defined as "Long-Binary-Format" in a OLE Object type field. This is the code I'm using to insert the images on the database: MemoryStream ms = new MemoryStream(); bmpFile.Save(ms, System.Drawing.Imaging.ImageFormat.Bmp); string sSQLQuery = "UPDATE " + this.txt_tableName.Text + " SET " + this.cbx_imagesField.Text + " = (?)"; OleDbCommand cmd = new OleDbCommand(sSQLQuery, cCon); try { byte[] binContent = ms.ToArray(); OleDbParameter imageParameter = cmd.Parameters.Add("@Picture", OleDbType.Binary); imageParameter.Value = binContent; imageParameter.Size = binContent.Length; sSQLQuery += " WHERE " + this.cbx_IDField.Text + " = " + sFileName; //MessageBox.Show(cmd.CommandText); cmd.CommandText = sSQLQuery; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); } cmd.Dispose(); Does anyone have a clue of what is happening? Is there any other way to add images to the Access data base? Is there any special Parameter I can supply with to walk around or at least to try to walk around the problem? Thank you so very much if you really have a suggestion.
Duplicating a record in MySQL
EFileTahi-A replied to EFileTahi-A's topic in Database / XML / Reporting
Tks for the link -
Is there a simple way to duplicate a certain record in the same table?
Google brought me here too. Jeez, does eveyone uses google? Why not "yahoo brought me here" or Altavista brought me here"? ;)
For such questions realolman, I strongly encourage you to post at http://www.hardware-analysis.com. Anyway, I once posted there with the same question. And most of them said Acer and Fujitsu were the best choices, so, I got the Acer with a AMD Turion 64bit, and you know what? I'm trully happy with it! :)
Ok, I'm back. Just to finalize the graphic part, you will also be able to see what tiles and layers are resitered/marked with images. This is done by showing colorfull squares. EAch color corresponds to a diferent layer. Lets have a look. http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/EFileTahi-A/ERPGI/ERPGI_SRT.jpg This makes your life esier when you wish to delete a sprite from a specific tile in a specific layer ;). Ok, now let's talk about the gameplay concept. [the following is not implanted yet] "The World moves when you move". Now what the heck Am I talking about? Have you ever played Adom (Acient domains of Mistery)? It uses (or will use) the same game play mechanism. When you move one square/tile in any of the 8 available directions your turn ends and you pass the turn to all NPC creatures around you, meaning that, they will move also only one square (in case they will move at all) and freeze until you move again (end your turn once more), but this happens so fast that you will not have to wait for them to move to finish their turn at all. Once you Download Adom HERE to better understand what I'm talking about. However, when a creature attacks you or you attack a creature combat mode is activated. The mechnism applyed once in combate mode is what I call "Fallout" mechanism, which, yes, uses the same mechnism Fallout uses to combat, that is, you will have a certain amout of action points available to you and NPC to be used before ending a turn. There will be a many things you will be able to change in your ERPGI's projects game play mechanics, like, you can create games which will always act in Fallout mode so that you can create games like my old Rebelstar/LaserSquad (turn based tatical squad combat games). Now, lets see how do you manage/define attributes, skills and other variables in ERPGI [This is already implanted] Note: All characters, items, dialogs, basically everything you type is stored in an Access Database. Bellow is a shot of the window in which you create Traits (Primary/secondary attributes, skills or any other kind of variables related to creatures). http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/EFileTahi-A/ERPGI/ERPGI_Traits.jpg In this window you create ALL traits that will be available to characters in the game. You can create as many traits you like and categorize them. If you want to add 1000 skills... well go ahead :). More to come tomorrow... :) Please, post your feedback.
Jesus! I'm so happy you guys liked it! I'm trully flattered with your coments. Thank you so much folks! :D What you see in the screenshots is the program (project) itself. This is not an editor. As a RPG maker program, it creates full-stand-alone games, thus, you will logically have controll and be able to create/modify maps, creatures, dialogs, items etc... Anyway, the graphics you see are 3D rendered (except the green grass which was made from scratch in Paint Shop Pro) and they were rendered by me in Cinema4D. So, how good are the graphics and how good are the games you (will) create with this software depends entirely on you. MsKeel, I will answer this once I fully debrief the project :) I will continue the project briefing once I get home! :) (can't wait!)