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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A

  1. Welcome to the forum! Though I only come here once a while, I can assure you that Xtreme .NET Talk is my number one .NET forum. Make yourself comfortable and stay tunned ;)
  2. It worked like a charm! Thanks again! - THREAD CLOSED -
  3. Well, how do I do that? Could you show me a small example? enum myEnum { one, two, three }; public myEnum TEST { get { return myEnum; } set { myEnum.one = value; } } Needless to say the above code does not work. How do I assign a selected value to a enum and how do I read from it? Thank you
  4. I need to customize a property for my UserControl, but I need the property to have several choices inside a combobox, like TextAlignment property, where you have already 3 options (Left, Center, Right) to choose from. Any suggestions? Thank you
  5. Hi, try this: //Example one myForm2 form2 = new myForm2(); form2.combobox1.text = this.combobox1.SelectedItem().ToString(); form2.ShowDialog(); //Example two myForm2 form2 = new myForm2() form2.stringVarText = this.combobox1.SelectedItem().ToString(); form2.ShowDialog(); In the first example we transferred text from a combobox from the active form to a combobox in a second form. For this to be possible you need to make the combobox in the second form PUBLIC. In the 2nd example, we simply copied the text from a combobox in the active form to a PUBLIC string variable in the second form, which can then be accessible within the second form at will. You could also use static variables in a class so they can be accessible from anywhere from your application (I do this a lot). I hope this helps
  6. Yeah. I removed all the unnecessary references, I managed to reduce the RAM usage to 3 - 4MB. Thanks for the post m8.
  7. It seems 12 to 14MB of ram are always consumed by default, by any application created with VS. I built a micro-desktop-IP-display application that is consuming 13MB of RAM. What the... 13MB to display an IP address? Is there a way to drop it at least to 1MB (while I think 1MB is still absurd for displaying a phrase, but better the 14!)?
  8. Well, 55 views and no answers... I guess this is impossible Thanks anyway.
  9. I have a program made in C# that shows some critical data on the user's desktop. It must be ALWAYS visible, that is, the show-desktop function should never minimize it, but it does. How can I walk around this? Thank you
  10. Thanks for the reply! How difficult is to generate a word doc from the user input through .NET controls? Does .NET (I'm using Framework 3.5) has any built-in support for such job? I need to add a automatic number for each letter that is made, so I need to grab the letter to add such info, before it can be saved/printed. How will I handle the formating this way (bold, italic etc.)? By using Word formatting tags? If so, then I need a special priting module so it can fully understand the document's structure right? Sorry for the noob questions I've never done anything similar.
  11. Well, 29 views and no answers, which makes me believe I was not explicit enough. I will reformulate my needs: How can I print a formated input of a RichTextBox (you know, with bold, italic, underline etc.)? I mean, is this even possible without resorting to math involving measuring string lengths for horizontal positioning and line counting for vertical positioning, based code tags for their respective font styles?
  12. I need to create a small program to print letters. The user simply needs to fill some fields (textboxes) and then the letter's body through a RichTextBox. Now, since Text-Justify, Bold and Italic are required for these letters, I need to find a way of printing the letters with such formatting. How can I accomplish this? How can I then print the text of a RichTextBox while maintaining its graphical structure (bold, italic and justify)? Thank you.
  13. No errors and the only code it has is the one shown on my opening post, plus it is being tested with an administrator account with full permission. We are using SQL Express 2008, so it does not has such option, furthermore SQL is unable to backup directly to a specific place within the network, the backup must first be placed locally. Only then it can be copied elsewhere, and this is exactly what my application is doing, backing up locally and moving the file to a specific place into a specific machine. It has the ability of pointing different databases to different places at different hours as many times we wish per day and per database. Anyway, I will skip the windows service thing, I'm out of time. I will simply register it on the Local_Machine(...)Run. We simply need not to forget to login whenever the server reboots. Thanks anyway Damp, it is cool to know you are still around the forum :D. You've saved me a lot of trouble in the past. Take care!
  14. I checked it, there was nothing on the task manager (including users) SQLGuardian is an application I made to perform SQL backups to specific places at specific hours. Anyway, wasn't suppose to trigger a breakpoint on the OnStart event while in dubug mode? I can successfully trigger it on InitializeComponent().
  15. Yeah I cannot view the messagebox, that was a test to see if it would trigger the OnStart event while in debug mode. Regarding the SQLGuardian.exe, well it does not run, when it does an icon on appears in system tray. Is this the right way of using the windows service? I mean to call an external application, the SQLGuardian.exe (which is a Windows Form) can it be called like that? Is there a KEY in the Windows 2003 registry to run applications before login?
  16. Hello guys, it has been a while... I need to run my application in background, before anyone logs in the computer. After some research I ventured myself in creating a Windows Service to do the trick. I've created this windows service but I simply can't make it execute my application (SQLGuardian.exe): public partial class Service1 : ServiceBase { public Service1() { InitializeComponent(); } protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { MessageBox.Show("Service Started!"); Process.Start("D:\\SQLGuardian.exe"); } protected override void OnStop() { } } This service runs great, and appears in the services list, but when I start it nothing happens, except for a message saying that it opened and it closed after, as there were no work to do. The OnStart event is never called, not even when I'm debuging it, and I don't have the slightest clue why not. Anyway, If there is a simpler way of executing an application before login, well, I'm all ears! It should work on Windows Server 2003 though. Thanks for any help on the subject!
  17. Hi Nate, I'm trying to add the a Setup & Deploy project to my current project, but I can't see anywhere the this type of project from the list. Is C# Express capable of doing this? Anyway, I added a Try-Catch in the lowest possible level of the application to see if I could grab any error, and I did: Class not registered (HDRESULT: 0x80040154 (REGDB_E_CLASSNOTREG)) I also managed to run the application in other computers, as long I install the VS Studio on them, load the project and finally add the .OCX file to the project. So, it is indeed a problem related to my third party OCX. Someone else advised me to put the OCX into the windows/system32 folder and execute: regsvr32 "dllName" --> enter. I'm going to try this ASAP. But, does this means I have to manually copy the file to its correct location in all computers I choose to install my application? Wasn't supposed for VS 2008 to detect and take care of all dependencies automatically? Thanks for your support m8.
  18. Ok, I loaded my project in another computer (with VS Studio 2008). I saw some missing references and they reminded me of an external ActiveX component that its being used to comunicate with some specific hardware. So, lets assume this is the problem, shouldn't the installer deploy all that is need in order for the application to propperly work? I see 3 DLLs related to that control included in the prerequisites, so it should work... Completely lost...
  19. Hi Nate thanks for the reply. I've tryed the application with both partial and full trust. I also tryed to give permissions (include) to all that was listed in the trust options. The application was intalled directly to each computer through a pen drive. Regarding the MSI setup, can I create one? I mean type MSI? Where / how can I create one?
  20. I just tryed the application in more 2 computers and it also fails to install. I can't simply believe I spent a full month working on a 'side' application that its completely useless because it simply refuses to run anywhere except on my production computer! My boss is waiting for my work and now I will have to delay its release ONCE AGAIN. But this time the excuse will be different, far more EPIC, because I simply cannot install it, like damn idiot whose knowledge in computers is way bellow average... great...
  21. Ok, I just wanted to try my VS 2008 application in another computer and guess what? I can't even install it, it gives me an error, you know the "Illegal Operation Error". Which gives me the following options, Send Report or Don't send it... When I clicked on details I saw it has something to do with 'System.Security.Security' and that's it. How the heck will I solve this? I'm incredible ****t off. VS is loosing quality over and over. Never experienced problems with previous version of VS regarding deploying applications... Thanks for any possible help on the subject and sorry for my bad mood.
  22. Ok, thanks :)
  23. Hello folks. Just wondering, is it possible to access a PS2 laser scanner (code bar reader) through ASP .NET?
  24. I've decided to convert the backbuffer directly to a BMP and use GDI+ to locate the pixels and retrieve their colors: Surface s = dxDevice.GetBackBuffer(0, 0, BackBufferType.Mono); Stream stream = SurfaceLoader.SaveToStream(ImageFileFormat.Bmp, s, new Rectangle(int locationX, int locationY, 1, 1)); Bitmap bmp = new Bitmap(stream); stream.Dispose(); Color c = bmp.GetPixel(0, 0); if (c.R == 255 && c.G == 0 && c.B == 0) { // do something break; } It works perfectly well and very fast has I collect only about 20 pixels.
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