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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A

  1. Well tks for posting m8... What kind of rectangule r u tralking about? this.DrawRectanglesRectangle(new System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs); System.Drawing.Graphics graphics = this.CreateGraphics(); System.Drawing.Rectangle rectangle = new System.Drawing.Rectangle(this.Pos_Top.Left -20,this.Pos_Top.Top,240,280); graphics.DrawEllipse(System.Drawing.Pens.Black, rectangle); graphics.DrawRectangle(System.Drawing.Pens.CornflowerBlue, rectangle); will this kind of rectangle do that? Remember that I have to use transparent things only... But am skiping the use of objects because the: .backcolor = transparency is too slow and makes odd refreshes... Am really sry, but i have only 2 weeks of C#... Am very confused with all this, if u could post a fully working example code that would be wonderfull! tks in advance!
  2. Oh God... i thought this thread would die empty... well I will do the search and see what I can learn... Tks to u all! PS:Hope I can find an mp3 play sound example too :) Later ACES!
  3. Math is my weakest point... Could u draw me a picture in code of that? Only know to use the Math.sqrt. How do I write "²" and "R" in c#?
  4. Am building a radar system for my game, so, how can i trigger some code if an image / picbox or something colides with the circule, not with the circules box but the circule itself! Or detecting if the mouse click coords (x,y) are within the circules area. PS: Is there any game creators enthusiasts on this forum? I would love to know ppl who would like to share their dreams, projects, their ideias! Maybe we can team up! My strong points are, graphics, sound and Imagination :D Please add me on ur Messenger contact "efiletahi@hotmail.com" - EFileTahi-A -
  5. Well, I have to disagree with u as I think it does matter. First of all never worked with OpenGL or DX, so, I can't make a choice since I do not have the acknowledge to realise which one or the other is suitable for my needs (of course I can always make a blind choice, but I want to avoid regrets) . Yet, from what u also said, OpenGl is not official supported on .NET (1 point to DX choice then) and u also mention that for 2D gaming DX have some nice features for it (another point for DX) and the other m8 that post before u said that probably there will be more tutorials to DX (another point)... So, i think DirectX would be the best option... Tks for posting out m8s!
  6. I have a 3.0 cpu and 512 400mhz mem, win XP, .NET 2003, u know, all the good stuff... what do u mean u have not noticed? try this: - put a, lets say, a 800x600 picture in the mains form background - put about 20 transparent labels on a form. - Now run the program... u will see .NET (of course it only takes a second) redrawing the labels everytime u bring the window to front... this is not a hardware issue, as many ppl have complained about this... Yet its exactly the same thing that happens on my wifes 1.GHZ cpu... U can yet see the diference that makes (in the .NET editing mode of course), by moving a label with a solid color background with the CRTL + Arrows and doing the same thing with a label with a transparent background, u will notice that the transparent one will move MUCH slower... Anyway tks for posting m8 since nobyelse post... i just hope this is not an hard topic... PS: In VB6 i had no prob with transparent labels...
  7. How can i play several, sounds at the same time in .wav or .mp3? Can someone point me to a good tutorial on "Sound with c#" or something? tks!
  8. It works perfectly! I change the event to mousemove and i go what i wanted!! tk u very much
  9. How can i get the mouse coords (x, y) from the programs main window?
  10. Hello m8s, which one of the graphical drivers do u suggest? OpenGL or DirectX? My objective is to create a game in 2D in C#. PS: Is there good tutorials for them?
  11. Well am emigrating from VB6 to c#... - "I have good acknowledged in VB6, so I think I will create my project with little prob " I thought to my self... But I was wrong, I had (still have) big problems, problems that did not exist in VB6 like (something simple) working with transparent labels. In .NET labels r just xtreme slow! They realy s*** its redraw is so slow that I can count the redraw turn while it's removing the labels backcolor to transparent for each label (refresh)! So, some ACES said to me to use System.Drawing.Graphics text, after I learn how to used this I got stuck, because drawing text this way will deny my acess to events, simply, because their will be none! I want to use mouse_click, mouse_over on text (like we do on labels) but, throught system.drawing.graphics. I think its impossible. 1 - Is it realy impossible? 2 - Why is transparecy on .NET so slow? 3 - Is there a way to walk around this, by skiping the use of DirectX, GDI, etc...? 4 - Even if there is no other way, is it to dificult? 5 - Can I read coordenates from mouse pointer (pixel position x,y)? I think this way i could solve things up... Tks for ur attention, and I hope I can hear from u soon! - EFileTahi-A -
  12. Thank you very much m8!
  13. i want to call it when I press a button or throught the Load_form...
  14. public void DrawRectanglesRectangle(PaintEventArgs e) { // Create pen. Pen blackPen = new Pen(Color.Black, 3); // Create array of rectangles. Rectangle[] rects = { new Rectangle( 0, 0, 100, 200), new Rectangle(100, 200, 250, 50), new Rectangle(300, 0, 50, 100) }; // Draw rectangles to screen. e.Graphics.DrawRectangles(blackPen, rects); } here is the code
  15. public void DrawRectanglesRectangle(PaintEventArgs e) am trying to call the function how should i call it? DrawRectanglesRectangule(New PaintEventArgs) ????
  16. Well, so, how can i trigger the button_click throught code? vb6 example: call button1_click
  17. Hoe can i call a function? (call myPrivateSub) Oh my god! In VB6 this issues were so simple! (Is there realy need to complicate?)
  18. Well am building it and rebuild it and he have not updated my new class name... Am begining to be frustated...
  19. tks for posting out m8.. truly heplfull... yet.. another question (simple one) when i change my class name it will not be updated! that is, when i type namespaceName, it lists me the old class name instead the new one.. strange... How can i walk around this? am truly noob in .NET tks once more
  20. Well ignore the last one... my class was listed... i though i would encouter my class file name in the list... but it appears the class name itself... now trying to change the var to constant to see if it appear in my class.varname... tks once more... oh one more thing... never used constant vars... what the advantage?
  21. t_Construction ClassInstance = new t_Construction(); this is what I have... it just don't work... wound not suppose my class appear in the list that pop ups as soon I Write "= new " ? Well i can use the class inside a my form to solve this but... that means I have to create everything inside forms only... tks very much for posting, hope i can hear more from u... cheers!
  22. So, here is the deal, i want to call a variable that is inside a class, that is outside my form... How can i do it? (the class is not in a form but in a class file) In vb6 was truly simple like "form / moduleName.VarName... Tks for ur help!
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