Well am emigrating from VB6 to c#...
- "I have good acknowledged in VB6, so I think I will create my project with little prob " I thought to my self... But I was wrong, I had (still have) big problems, problems that did not exist in VB6 like (something simple) working with transparent labels.
In .NET labels r just xtreme slow! They realy s*** its redraw is so slow that I can count the redraw turn while it's removing the labels backcolor to transparent for each label (refresh)!
So, some ACES said to me to use System.Drawing.Graphics text, after I learn how to used this I got stuck, because drawing text this way will deny my acess to events, simply, because their will be none! I want to use mouse_click, mouse_over on text (like we do on labels) but, throught system.drawing.graphics. I think its impossible.
1 - Is it realy impossible?
2 - Why is transparecy on .NET so slow?
3 - Is there a way to walk around this, by skiping the use of DirectX, GDI, etc...?
4 - Even if there is no other way, is it to dificult?
5 - Can I read coordenates from mouse pointer (pixel position x,y)? I think this way i could solve things up...
Tks for ur attention, and I hope I can hear from u soon!
- EFileTahi-A -