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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A

  1. Well, it keeps giving me this error at the end of the instalation of one CRUCIAL prerequisite component which is the "Microsoft .NET Framework 1.1". The error message describe as follows: - "Failed to load the resources from resource file. Please check your setup" I have tryed to install it manualy (that is straight from the CD) several times, but the problem is the same, except for the error message: "Error registering system.enterpriseServices.dll" when the install is at zero seconds from finishing. I have Windows XP Professional up to date with Service Pack II. Please, aid.
  2. Ok. Thank you
  3. This site was made by someone else, so I can't tell you why...
  4. What do mean by this?
  5. I have setup the IIS on my computer and downloaded the web page which is in need of being changed to the "C:\Inetpub\wwwroot\page_name" path as described in http://www.w3schools.com site. The problem is when I try to run locally the web page I downloaded. It gives me the following error: the count.asp describes the following: <% MM_counter_STRING = "Provider=Microsoft.Jet.OLEDB.4.0;Data Source=" & Server.MapPath("direscrita/acessos.mdb") %> <% Session.LCID = 2070 Session.CodePage = 1252 Dim Con Dim Con_numRows Dim RS Set Con = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") Con.Open MM_counter_STRING Con_numRows = 0 %> <% Dim usersettings Dim usersettings_numRows Set usersettings = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") usersettings.ActiveConnection = MM_counter_STRING usersettings.Source = "SELECT * FROM senderinformation" usersettings.CursorType = 0 usersettings.CursorLocation = 2 usersettings.LockType = 1 //************************************************** usersettings.Open() // line 27 //************************************************** Ok, I can clearly see that it stops when trying to open the usersettings object. Now, my question is: Why is this giving an error locally and not remotely? (Maybe it is just a path issue) Remember, am truly noob on web-coding so, I don't know if am being explicit or not. Also, Is there anything else I should know about it when running a page locally? SN:A im using Notpad at the moment for asp coding (my jobs .NET package have not arrived yet) so, any .NET suggestion is at the moment useless for me... (at least for now)
  6. Thank you all for this information. Now am totaly crystal clear... :)
  7. Ok, thank you
  8. Here I learned that ASP and ASP.NET are different. How diferent these two?
  9. Ok, truly precious info here. So, you're saying (apart from many other things) that Visual Studio .NET can develop sites like dreamweaver? Sorry for this stupid question but, I just want to clear all my doubts from my head... IIS and Visual Studio .NET are the necessary tools in order to create ASP sites? (I have both) Thank you once more for this high quality post of yours :)
  10. Ok buddies, thank you for posting out. I will still read further posts...
  11. What is better PWS? or IIS? Also, PHP or ASP?
  12. Thank you so much! Now that was extremely helpfull!
  13. Ok, I have never done serious WEB programing, meaning that, my skills with ASP or PHP are ZERO. So, since I will need to learn ASP in my new job in order to perform some modifications on the company's website (wich is made in ASP) I was counting with anyone here to point me to a good tutorial or at least describe me the basics of how ASP works / what is needed to make it work... I am experienced with Databases (ODBC) with C#. So, I know the basics of Oriented Object programming and Database connections. The problem comes when HTML, JavaScript and ASP are all mixed together in order to produce a web-site. I will now drop some basic question so, and forgive me if any of it might sound "strange" or even stupid: - can .NET fully build ASP sites? Like Dreamweaver? Thank you for any possible info (no matter how basic it might look for you as any info will be truly appreciated). Meanwhile I will continue my research over the web on the ASP subject...
  14. Well, I have browsed the web and this is the best toturial I have found so far regarding the pathfinding subject: http://www.policyalmanac.org/games/aStarTutorial.htm Although it is quite well explained and a good "get started" point for more advanced pathfinding methods, it have a problem, no C# example... What I would like to know if there is anywhere a (GOOD) C# tutorial covering a more advanced pathfidning method like Dijkstra's or A* method. The ones I have found so far simple suck...
  15. Well, both 2nd and 3rd devices were implanted with DX because the old way I had (which was not using DX at all) had some problems with transparent pictures. There transparent pixels become full of artifacts like in this pic: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/EFileTahi-A/GraghicsV2.jpg See the strange numbers on the available graphical buttons? Those numbers appear precisely on the transparent pixels of each tile (don't ask me why), yet, most of those tiles are displaying 100% unaccurate images... They are a total mess. What they should display is precisely what is displayed in my previous post... So, I was forced to use DX in order to kill this stupid issue...
  16. Device 1: Controls the map graphics Device 2: Shows the seletected picture to add in the map Device 3: Desplays all the available graphics to choose from http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/EFileTahi-A/Devices.jpg Too make all working as shown on the screenshot I'm loading the graphics 3 times! If I could just change the device associated to the texture I would only need to load them once...
  17. Hi PlausiblyDamp, tks once more for posting out. The objects I am loading into the hastable are "Direct3D.Textures" which do not seem to have any disposing method... So, I have just runned out of ideias... and my project development is now frozen until I walkaround this thing... Any further ideias will be too much apreciated
  18. How the Foxtrot can I release the Hashtable's associated resources? I load 30 large bmps which will "eat" about 45MB of ram. Then, If I reload them, an aditional 45MB will be consumed. So, basicaly, If I reload these pictures 5 times more the 200MB will be consumed, even with the myHasTable.Clear() property and the CollectGarbage before reloading these images... Also, the Hashtable don't have the "Dispose()" property... What the... This Hastable of mine is static so I would only like to dispose it's associated resources rather then disposing the object itself...
  19. So that I can use the same texture into several DXDevices instead of loading the same picture n times for n devices and wasting precious resources with repetive objects... Alternatively, is it possible to extract ONLY the picture loaded into a texture and pass it to another texture?
  20. I need to change the DirectX.Device of some Texture, how can I do this? The Texture.Device is read only...
  21. How can I do deactivate the texture filtering of a Texture? I really have no Ideia...
  22. I found a way of releasing the Texture[]'s object resources. (Pseucoding) for (i = 0; i < X; i++) { Texture[i].Dispose(); } GarbageCollect(); Ok, now I only need to know the way of loading all my BMPs/PNGs images as texture object using keynames instead of numbers.
  23. As always, if my last post was confusing or non-explicit, let me know about it.
  24. I discovered the problem. Instead of loading the textures into the texture[] like this; c_DirectX.dxTexture[iCounter] = TextureLoader.FromFile(c_DirectX.dxDevice, sCurrentFile, 0, 0, D3DX.Default, 0, Format.Unknown, Pool.Pool, Filter.None, Filter.None, Color.Blue.ToArgb()); I needed to change the Pool.Pool to Pool.Managed :D - THREAD CLOSED -
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