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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A

  1. lol, I found it by the time I las posted.... But tks anyway... Now am trying to select an item through code, but I just can't! Why there is no simple option like listView1.SelectIndex = 0???
  2. Thank you very much folks! :) But what if I just want to add a item at column 2 instead of add values to columns 1 and 2? Because I only have access to subitems properties after adding to the first item too... Anyway, If I want to add items to 3 or more columns do I really need to do this? for (int i = 0; i < 2000; i++) { //Adds items to the first and second columns this.listView1.Items.Add("bla" + i).SubItems.Add("bla" + i); //This adds an item to the third column this.listView1.Items[i].SubItems.Add("bla" + i); //This adds an item to the forth column this.listView1.Items[i].SubItems.Add("bla" + i); // etc... }
  3. I have a listview set to viewmode = details with 4 columns defined. I just need to know how can I add text to a specific column, let's say column number 2?
  4. picturebox1.image = null;
  5. Yes I have, 11 year old kid... You should have assumed here too: "Because I assume you aren't really concerned (...)". That way you would still have a chance to fallback in case you were wrong (and you are wrong) like it happened with the: "If I do have children" thingie... We use our "intellectual property" basically in everything, including in our jobs. Thus, working without being paid (working for free with a house to pay) concern people, even myself (yes, even me). This contradicts your point of view about my person (which you barely know) about my concern of being payed. You're distorcing my opinion on the patents subject. Apart from this, If I want to get paid for the result of my creative exertions, I will. If I think there is no need for that I will not get paid for it. I cannot make it simplier to explain to you. All I can say you is (I and don't want to hammer, but): just don't assume things from a global view based on a single ideia... Well, thanks for sharing this with me. And, as token of my appreciation I will also share with you the following: I never been in the army. ok. Got confused with your last phrase on this one... Anyway, this is getting truly off topic. I wonder why "my kid was called" here to a "software patent" subject...
  6. Ok buddies, it is done. Thank you all :) - THREAD CLOSED -
  7. come again?!
  8. Yes, nobody patents for sport I know that. That's why I wrote "sports" with "quotes". Think of it as an metafore or some other figurative expression. Anyway, patenting for "sport" it's ok, and also makes sense to me AS LONG it does not apply to software (the thing from which this thread is all about)...
  9. Yes, I understood that from your very first post. Note that I did not mention a single word regard US patents though, that means I was not referening to US patents in anyway but globally. I apologize if I was not explicit enough...
  10. Well, I also would love to add the following: The patents only exist because prophit exist, if there would be no such thing as "monney", patentes would be a useless thing, right? Since the major feature of patents is to set exclusive rights granted by a government to an inventor or applicant for a limited amount of time (normally maximum 20 years from the filing date, depending on extension) and some of these rights involve prophit (wow!). The funny thing about patention is that many, many patentionated invetions actually never even touch the market, so why bothering patent it? "Because I can make monney if someone invents the same thing I did and if he/she tries to make use of it in comercial ways". This smells like greedy holly crap to me. I can actually understand (well, maybe) patenting something for prophit, but, pateting something just for "sport", I better no comment on this, it might be offensive... If I invent a some sort of an unique algorithm to acomplish something really cool why would I bother to patent it? I do agree that the author of it should get the credit for it, but, restricting someone of using it is unatural greedy! if you don't want ppl to use your so called "invention" then keep it to your self and make sure it will be buried along with your corpse giving this way other persons a chance of creating the same thing to freely use it on their desired way. I would definetely share my revolucionary algorithm by open-source it so that persons could learn from it and pass this acknowleged to everyone else... The world we live in is as we know it because ppl shared their ideias and inventions all over the time. I'm glad our ancestors are not here to charge us for using the wheel and fire... I also can't imagine a stone-age individual keeping his discoveries just for him instead of sharing them with rest of his tribe...
  11. "I do what I can..." by Riddick: Escape From Butchers Bay ;)
  12. I truely dislike the ideia of "Software Patents" just by typing it it gave me the creeps. Software Patents is one of the most stupid things that I ever heard untill now, well maybe not stupid but incredibly full of TIRANY! What's the concept about this anyway? Giving rights to the authors by removing rights from other people? Just what are they trying to do? Image a world where everything is Patented, creatives like myself would be totally screwed up by having to pay loads of monney for each step I would need to make, because someone else comitted the same step before me, and that step was patented already. Too bad I just born 1978 making impossible to be the first one to create "that thing"... This is not protection, this is removing freedom away from persons. Imagine the ideia of online monney transitions being patented, the ideia of sharing files through an P2P software being patented, the ideia of patenting symbols like ":)", ";)", ":D", ":(" etc. for digital emontion purppose... Please...
  13. How can I enable / disable the close button of a form through code?
  14. Well, I would like to convince you, unfortunately you always end up exiting Messenger as soon I start chating with u or getting no response even if you don't quit messenger at all...
  15. The interior of Tabs are not displaying accurate colors when using the enableVisualtyles ON. What's the best way to walk around this bug?
  16. Yeah, I was going to do that unless someone would come up here with so other ideia... But thaks for the input ;)
  17. I started at 11 on a ZX-Spectrum 48k+. My first ever program was the classic 'guess the number' in 1989, next year I made a text adventure game and a NBA data base of 1990. After this I got my Amiga 500 in 1993 where I put aside coding and learned the great feeling of REAL multitasking OS AmigaOS and 2D painting. Then I got my Amiga 1200; I convert it to a A1200Tower later on with a PPC603e 210MHZ + with Fast SCSI and a 060 at 50mhz. I used Amiga until 2001 (then I put amiga aside and became comun mortal PC user). Damn! Amiga had the best Email program (YAM) and IRC client (AmIRC) till they were ported to Linux :D. NOTE: Amirc IRC Client still kicks the **** out of PC Mirc in plain 2005... Anyway, I was forced to resume coding for professional reasons on December of 2003 with VB6 and moved to .NET in August 2004. Now I'm coding for both professional and personal pleasure :) Since December of 2003 that I code about 8 hours/day including weekends... There were times where I would start coding Startday morning at 09:00 and stoping only at 02:00 in the next day... But only a few times since this is somewhat EXAUSTING!
  18. Great! Then I am not worried about .NET 2003's incompatiblity regarding 2.0 framework... :D
  19. Can someone just clear this doubt of mine? Will I be able to import my .NET 2003 projects into .NET 2005?
  20. Ok, we all know that when a textbox is disabled its backcolor will also change. The problem is when you change the textbox backcolor during runtime. If you disable the a textbox after its backcolor was changed, it will no longer change to its disabled color but keep the one you assign. What I need to know is how can I tell the textbox to keep changing to its disabled color even after I forced it to go yellow? If this was not explicit enough let me know about it...
  21. Thank you too much Machaira! It works perfectly! - THREAD CLOSED -
  22. I need to remove the password character that is set, but through code. The ideia is to create a button to show/hide the password on some textbox by removing/setting up the password char. Setting the object.Passwordchar to null does not work. I think I need to remove the object's passwordchar handler instead. If I am right, how can I do this?
  23. Thank you very much wile! It is working once more! :D
  24. The Application.DoEvents seems to have no effect on the problem :(, so am going to try Decrypt's method. Unfortunately I don't understand part of what he wrote: "Create a manifest file to bind your app to comctl6." What is / how can I do this?
  25. - THREAD RE-OPENED - Ok, I have this prob, Application.EnableVisualStyles cease to work for some good reason, all my controls no longer have the WinXP look. I truly don't understand why, I made a new project to test the EnableVisualsStyles and it works fine, but in some other project of mine, (the one in which I first tryed the VisualStyles) stopped working. The Applcation.EnableVisualStyles Is emidiately behind the Run Application Method as it was always. Yet I confirmed all the controls (buttons) FlatStyle if they were set to "System". Any ideias? I can't post any code since I'm at home at the momment, yet, what kind of code woud it to be required (if actually necessary)?
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