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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A

  1. I'm not using any kind of grid... only some datatable object with only one column to hold some values, and this object is not binded to anything. I'm using a "For Loop" to show the data..." dtUniqueProps.DefaultView.Sort = "[props] asc"; for (int i = 0; i < dtUniqueProps.Rows.Count; i++) { MessageBox.Show(dtUniqueProps.Rows[i]["props"].ToString()); }
  2. Thank you both for your replies. I guess I can't get the error number codes huh? Anyway you mention some good walkrounds though. The whole ideia would be as Marble Eater mentioned, the error would be send to a class that would then follow from an "cascace ElseIf checks" or "Switch to" to the correct error. I can numerate the errors alright, but, to do that I must identify them or separate them into types/categories. Now, how do I get the error type? Using Marble Eater's example "if (ex is FileNotFoundException)"? Er... If so, where can I get a list of all exception types? I'll try to browse the web about this... NOTE: This "missing file error" was just an example. I do want to rewrite ALL error messages to my native language...
  3. Ok, I tryed: myDataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "column_name asc"; myDataTable.DefaultView.Sort = "[column_name] asc"; But nothing... No columns sorted... No errors... Am I doing something wrong? NOTE: I'm using the sort thing on some independent DataTable that haves no connection with my MySQL DataTable.
  4. Yes, I want to write my own error messages which would make more sense on my application, like, if I get an error saying something like: "ERROR: File name was not found." this is not informing what I REALLY want the user to understand, which is: "You have to save your project first in order to continue." I made this in VB6 easly because in VB6 each error had a numeric code. I could identify the error through it's number and show the correct customized error message this way (unlike .NET).
  5. I want to get the numeric code for errors that are catch by "Try-Catch" keywords but I don't know how to do it... I can get the error message description, no problem on that, but I need the code number too, like: "Error 210: The file is write protected"
  6. Pheewww.... Thank you once more Kejpa :). That was really nice to hear ;)
  7. Is it possible to right text in vertical without using GDI+? I mean, rotating text 90 degrees. Vertical Label?
  8. Argh! I expressed myself truly badly... I meant insert multiple records from multiple computers in the same DataBase in the same Table at the same time... Sorry :D
  9. With Access databases an error would occur when trying to write 2 or more records in a table of the Database at the same time. Will this happen in MySQL too?
  10. Ok, thank you very much kejpa :)
  11. Is there a way to neutralise the Win2003 server "Date check difference" of terminals connecting to 2003 server? I mean, terminals can't log in on Win2003 server (which have their IP registered) if the system's date differ...
  12. Windows 2003 Server question Wrong post sorry
  13. inflammatory political rant? Can you post the link? Now I'm kinda curious to read his article...
  14. Hmmm... I used google to browse anything related to this subject and I found out that a database can easly sustain millions of records... NICE :) Now, I wonder how long does it take to select all these records through a SQL query...
  15. Is 56000 Records too much on a table with 6 columns? I mean, I have no ideia of how fast/slow is performing searchs in a table containing such number of records, yet, I actually don't know if 56000 are too many records for one single table at all....
  16. Ok, I got it: Environment.MachineName.ToString(); - THREAD CLOSED -
  17. How can I retrieve the name of the computer through code?
  18. Well I discovred a way of neutralising this! Now all the windows close with no problem :) PS: Since no one demonstrated interest or concern this subject I'm forced to believe that this is not problem at all, so it is pointless to post the solutions for this issue... Cheers!
  19. Loads of Artifacts when disposing bordless forms... Does anyone else notice this problem? When disposing bordless forms on my application most of the times the screen flicks with loads of graphical trash, but this happens really fast! I mean, this graphics artifacts last only about 100 miliseconds or so... They are not really artifscts but more like a mix of 2 screens... See the pic bellow: http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/EFileTahi-A/CloseProb.jpg In this pic I closed a window my program, and, while it was colising I saw parts of Paint shop Pro appearing during the closing process, that is, all that is written in english does not belong to my program but to Paint Shop Pro Does anyone knows what I'm talking about? Can it be solved?
  20. I have seen some example of this from Michael Gold at C-SharpCorner about performing a multi column sort on a ListView but it does not work well with my code. I would like to know is there is any other way of doing this. You know, clicking the column's name and sorting the rows based on the alphabetic ascending order of that clicked column... Trly appreciate help on this one.
  21. IE7: All I can say is that I truly hope IE7 stops sucking big time like its predecessors... If I would recieve one buck for each time IE crashes, I would definately be a healthy fellow... I wonder why Mozilla or FireFox browser's crash (at least for me) only one time for every 3 months!? And I browse the web alot! Longhorn: All I saw about longhorn was some screenshot of the desktop. And the icons were too "stylie" for my taste.. Win Xp icons are my favorite... However, I definately looking forward to get my hands on Vista, but not the beta version, the final one...
  22. Ok... I guess you buddies solved all my probs... for now ;) Thank you all!
  23. Portugal / Lisbon A place where ppl don't care if you type "r" or "are" :P
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