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Everything posted by EFileTahi-A

  1. ok folks tks for the replies... I got a few ideias now :)
  2. If I wasn't explicit enough, please, do let me know about it, as I will gladly clearify anything. Thank you.
  3. Do you folks remember Eye of Beholder game or even Dungeon Master? http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/EFileTahi-A/1052220900-00.gif If you know/played any of these games then you will also know that when we move in any of the four available directions the player moves by gaps (blocks) instead of a smooth animation. Well, I'm wondering how does such grahical engine works. I mean, I know we need a 2D map like a crossword board representing the dugeon maze, but, how to assemble the graphics representing the maze? Do we have a full image per map block? (I don't think so). Or do we have some sort of formula to render the right piece of graphic? Like: Render the floor; Render the celling; Render the left wall 1 block away; Render the left wall 2 block away; Render the left wall 3 block away; Render the left wall 4 block away; etc... Render the right wall 1 block away; Render the right wall 2 block away; Render the right wall 3 block away; Render the right wall 4 block away; etc... ... I really need theoric lessons on the method used for such graphical engines...
  4. LOOOOOOOOL!!! OMG! Thank god you post it out... I really had not ideia of what I've typed until know! I better change dump for damp...
  5. Plausible damp where is your pic? :rolleyes: VagabondSW, is that really water you're holding or something else? ;)
  6. Ok clearified... :)
  7. To make a post worthy of posting out... ;)
  8. Er... What do you mean by that? (Yellow Alert)
  9. Ahhh thats the spirit folks! Keep them coming :) Nerseus, thenerd, ThePentiumGuy: Tks for the pics ;) Diesel: Come one! "Show your self!" Marble_Eater: Nice! Not always someone can decifer it. But I must help you with the remaining "-A". The "-" becomes a "!" and the "A" becomes a "hey". "Hey! I hate Life" Anyway, why do you think I hate life? Nahh, don't think like that. It haves an Ironic meaning this nick of mine. I mean, we all live and we all die. Why loving life if sooner or later life will be taken from you with some cheap excuse, either you accept this or not?!. I trully wish imortality that is! I wish it so badly that sometimes I see myself wondering how much time I still have ahead. Maybe 40, 50 or 60 years more, maybe it all ends tomorrow... Also When coding I think to myself: "I making some God Damn good progress in C#, and, all this will be wasted the minute I go to my grave..." But come one folks, let us not skip the main subject of this thread. Keep the pics coming :)
  10. Ok folks... Here is my mug proudly showing my alien collection :) http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v698/EFileTahi-A/EFile_AlienVsPredator_small.jpg
  11. Are you serious?
  12. I would like to see the faces of those who mostly help me in this GREAT forum. Specially PlausiblyDamp, Nerseus, Joe Mamma, Marble Eater, Deneas, PenDragon and Engine252... (just to name a few). I would like to post a photo of mine, but I don't know if this would be in vain...
  13. Nice, I used IIS and activated the FTP service and now it's working great! Thank you mskeel!
  14. Ok, I have a static IP and a shared folder on my home computer (I'm using Win XP Pro). How do I access this folder remotely? I mean, from my job computer for example... Would not just be needed to type the address on Windows Explorer like this: 'xxx.xxx.xxx.xxx/forder_name'? Thank you
  15. Ok, I did it. I needed to add a "root@%" on MySQL itself...
  16. Whenever I try to connect to the server's DataBase the following message is displayed: ERROR [HYTOO][MYSQL][ODBC 3.51 Driver]Host 'Informatica' is not allowed to connect ot this MySQL Server. MySQL server is running on Win 2003 Server, so, how can I config win2003 server to allow host 'Informatica' (my work computer) to gain access to the MySQL's Database? (if it haves anything to do with win2003 server at all...)
  17. Hi joe mamma. As I stated on some other thread which your person was the main subject, I truly would love to read your "Fatal Thread" which assured you a temporarily Ban on this forum. Note that, I fully understand if you just want to forget all this and move along, dispiting then what I'm asking you...
  18. Thank you nerseus for your time for writing such high quality/big post. All my doubts have been cleared. Thank you once more. :)
  19. Ahhh!!! Now it works! You have to perform a sort on the DataView instead the DataTable itself... Thank you Pendragon! Anyway, I wonder why I can't perform a sort in directly in DataTable. Why do I have to create a DataView in order to sort it? I mean, this way I'm sorting DataView not the DataTable...
  20. Pendragon, my old buddy, I tryed it the way you told me, but, with no success... What Am I doing wrong?!... could you please download the project I previously attached and try to make it work?
  21. Ok, I made this small project to do the sort thing but it does not work.DataTableSort.zip
  22. That's okay. I fully understand it.
  23. Yeah, I know what you mean, but that is another story. I mean, I display a special window which contains the original message along with the form name and function that triggered it, plus, a customized message, this last one is target for the comon user. Yet, A'm definetly NOT setting up the display messages based on exceptions... Only in few circustances. Typicaly, when a error message pops up during runtime chances are you have a bug in your code, so, I rather fix it then protected it with a try-catch block... ;)
  24. IngisKahn, I know about the existence of language translations to .NET. But I want to translate the error messages my with own words and convert some of them to specific momments of my application...
  25. Just wondering, is there a chance I can read Joe mamma's fatal post? I'm truly curious... I mean, I always got excelent/kind posts from his person, and now you're saying he was such insultive being :confused: Hmmm, maybe because I'm a C# coder instead VB.NET...
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