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Everything posted by ashrobo

  1. not too sure if it's because of my code, but there don't seem to be much pre-processing of data before displaying.. :confused:
  2. urmm.. cos i just got to know of it and it's convenient? :P
  3. ~3000 items in the listview makes my program sluggish and i almost fainted. it took ~1min to load all of them.. datagrid took a few secs with the same data. perhaps i was being shallow in not knowing that datagrid is better than listview.. just wanted to try things out. -ashrobo
  4. is it possible? how about changing the charater casing for the textbox? -ashrobo
  5. a student taking computer engineering here.. currently on a project hence the need to use visual basic .net
  6. my vote goes to enhanced host . trouble tickets issued are most of the time cleared in a jiffy! -ashrobo
  7. ah.. no wonder. so i guess i shall have to change to +7:00 hours then..
  8. urmm, i can because i just did. i didn't do it earlier because i didn't know i can do it that way.. thanks wyrd! :)
  9. after setting the time offset to my timezone which is GMT +8:00 hours, the time of the posts in the forums appears +1 hour than it should be. currently the time here (on my computer's clock) is 11.41AM but with GMT +8:00 hours, the time is 12:41AM.
  10. howdy, is it possible to create an auto-increment column in the datatable without getting the value from the database? i know it is possible to do so if the value is taken from the database but in my situation right now, i have retrieved the info i need from the database into the datatable. However, there is no relevant auto-increment column in the database and i want to include an auto number column in the datatable. query = "SELECT POQty.PONo AS [PO No], InvOrders.PartNo AS [Part No], " & _ "POQty.Quantity AS [Quantity] " & _ "FROM POQty INNER JOIN InvOrders ON POQty.InvoiceNo = InvOrders.InvoiceNo " & _ "WHERE POQty.InvoiceNo = '" & InvNo & "'" Try daOrders.SelectCommand = New OleDbCommand(query, MyConnection) daOrders.Fill(dsOrders) Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(ex.Message) End Try a datagrid is bound to the datatable.. grdOrders.DataSource = dsOrders.Tables(0) the auto-increment column is for displaying the row number in the datagrid. thanks in advance, ashrobo
  11. Not too sure if it's still needed, turrican. Dim myCommand As New OleDbCommand("INSERT INTO movies (title, rating, category) VALUES ('" & TextBox1.Text & "', '" & TextBox2.Text & "', '" & TextBox3.Text & "' ", MyConnection) add "MyConnection" to myCommand. cheers!
  12. i have no idea why that happens about System.Environment.UserDomainName() but i found out why it is so with the SystemInformation.UserDomainName()
  13. System.Security.Principal.WindowsIdentity.GetCurrent() .Name works (it gives me the domain\username). guess i'll just have to use this.. thanks mutant! (=
  14. just in case you're wondering, yes i have. Environment.UserName gets me the username of the user that's logged on, Environment.UserDomainName gives me the machine name. i've tried them before asking of course.
  15. i'm trying to get the domain that the user is logged on.
  16. hi all, i've got the following code from MSDN but couldn't get it to work. :( i added Microsoft.VisualBasic. because it wouldn't allow me to use Left encountered the following error while trying to run it. >> Ret = GetUserName(Buffer, 25) 'error occurs here An unhandled exception of type 'System.NullReferenceException' occurred in WindowsApplication3.exe Additional information: Object reference not set to an instance of an object. has anyone encountered this before? all help will be appreciated! -ashrobo
  17. i've done Foxpro, C, C++ and Java programming before, just new to Visual Basic. i'll check out the Wrox's VB .NET book. the problem is that most of the books deal with SQL Server, having a hard time finding one that talks about MS Access. anyway, thanks guys and gals! (= -ashrobo
  18. Hi all, I am new here.. just happen to stumble upon this forum! (= I'm currently working on a multi-user system that's using MS Access and VB.NET. being a newbie in VB.NET, i am confused in getting the books that might be useful for me. i've got a copy of Visual Basic .NET Database Programming by Rod Stephens here, but he deals more with MSDE. just hoping that i can get more recommendations of books from the gurus here. thanks in advance, ashrobo edited to add: oops.. i didn't know where to post this thread. sorry for any inconvenience caused! (=
  19. Ariez, i've dropped you a pm! (=
  20. this is what i've been searching high and low for.. ;)
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