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Everything posted by ashrobo

  1. you talking about smilies? there're plenty out there.. http://www.tag-board.com/smilies/smilies.htm http://www.mysmilies.com/ and more..
  2. from http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/cpref/html/frlrfSystemDataOleDbOleDbConnectionClassTopic.asp An OleDbConnection object represents a unique connection to a data source. i feel you need to connect to a database and cannot just connect to Access.
  3. While MyReader.Read Count += 1 End While Msgbox(Count) i am using the abovementioned code.. -ashrobo
  4. Format(Today, "dd MMMM yyyy") will get you 13 June 2003.
  5. for formatting of dates, take a look at http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/vbaac10/html/acproFormatDate.asp - ashrobo
  6. Private Sub grdOrders_MouseUp(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.Windows.Forms.MouseEventArgs) Handles grdOrders.MouseUp for instance is longer than the width of an A4 page. hmm, i guess you are right Derek. cheers! ;)
  7. oh you didn't? my eyes must be playing tricks on me when i saw "Can anyone give mi a rough idea on how to do...if possible please send mi a completed source code.." :-\
  8. i'm sorry, maybe you can give a senario to aid understanding of the problem.
  9. now that's confusing.. :confused:
  10. how does the logic of your program go? 1) create an instance (frmSearch) of SearchFileRecord. 2) from it, create an instance of RetrieveFileDetails (frmRetrieve) 3) Get the values from frmSearch in frmRetrieve is that right?
  11. from what i see, the null values are correct. here's what i think is happening. 1) you created an instance of SearchFileRecord 2) in that, you created an instance of RetrieveFileDetails 3) you created yet another instance of SearchFileRecord and attempted to get values from that, instead of that created in step 1).
  12. why dont you paste your code here? im confused after reading your post..
  13. sometimes, it's easy to read the code while coding, but when printing on paper, it wouldn't be that easy to read (when the line of code exceeds a line on the paper).
  14. i wonder if anyone (except those from my school) bothers to break up a line of code should it be longer than the width of the page, i.e. taking up two lines for a line of continuous code. i've just printed out a piece of code and saw that VS uses a arrow to indicate continuous text. is it more readable with that or breaking up the codes with _ ? -ashrobo
  15. and i thought only exam questions can be memorised.. and we all know, that wont get you anywhere.. -ashrobo
  16. not too sure about this, but maybe copying and pasting the controls on a new form might get back the code? what you want to get back are the codes for the controls right? - ashrobo
  17. why not post your sql statements and we'll figure out what's wrong instead? - ashrobo
  18. solved thanks hog for your time! i've managed to solve this problem.. here's the solution.. http://www.tek-tips.com/viewthread.cfm?SQID=571744&SPID=767&page=1 -ashrobo
  19. that's what i thought of too, but i dont know how to store the previous item id and thought it might not even be possible in CR. any clues? million thanks.. :) -ashrobo
  20. he's probably looking something that's cheap and good.
  21. the formula field approach gives me the running total without any resetting for different items. or did i use the wrong word "running total" here? it's just the total for individual items..
  22. yes, this is what i want to do. *forgetting about the above* what i want to do is to get a total for the individual items with different po numbers. -ashrobo
  23. to each his own.. i prefer opera.
  24. i dont recall it taking ages if you ask me.. but i've not tried printing to it with DOS tho' so i cant compare but it's speed is rather reasonable.
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