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  1. The problem seemed to have solve itself. Another solution attributed to a swift kick to the side of the box
  2. Hi I have a windows server 2003 running with IIS6. I created a set of pages using aspx and vb.net that does content management for the rest of the site. The basics involve reading from htm files and then writing to them. However, I'm getting this error System.UnauthorizedAccessException: Access to the path "serverpath\default.htm" is denied. ASP.NET is not authorized to access the requested resource. Consider granting access rights to the resource to the ASP.NET request identity. ASP.NET has a base process identity (typically {MACHINE}\ASPNET on IIS 5 or Network Service on IIS 6) that is used if the application is not impersonating. If the application is impersonating via <identity impersonate="true"/>, the identity will be the anonymous user (typically IUSR_MACHINENAME) or the authenticated request user. So I go to my file and directory to give Network Service permission to write and modify. After this, I'm still getting the same error. Is there something that IIS doesn't agree with for the .NET environment? I've been so frustrated I gave Everyone account write and modify ability but still get the same error. Are there any other permissions that I need to set, or are there any other settings that overrides this? Should I do something within my code that'll help solve this problem? It worked perfectly fine on my personal web server with Windows XP pro running IIS 5 any help would be much appreciated, thanks
  3. Thanks a bunch
  4. Hello people I'm creating a web form that takes credit card info. This info then as to be sent open a secure socket to a third party for validation and processing. my question is how do I capture a response from my form? is there some function such as fsockopen in php in asp or vb? I can if there is, I could perhaps disguise a string of the info as a page and send it over thank you very much in advance
  5. Hmm....do you have any instructional sites that I can look up on to do this? I've got a vb.net book, but that doesn't cover much. thx
  6. hi everyone, I'm slightly baffled at this little problem. I want to know if anyone's got quick suggestions. I am using ASP.net with vb.net in the backend. I have to make a page that takes an uploaded excel, or txt, or access file, and read the two columns. Anyone have any good ideas on how to do that? I looked into filestreams and all, but just not sure which format would be easier to read, quick converstion protocols or such. Thx in advance cz
  7. that works, thanx
  8. I saw that somewhere else, tried it, but got the msg that says checkeditems is not a member of checkboxlist control :confused:
  9. Hi there, this sounds very simple but i can't figure it out. How do you see if a checkbox in a checkboxlist control has been checked. I figured it was something to the effect of me.checkboxlist1.item.selected or checked. i being 0 to me.checkboxlist.items.count in a for loop But I dont see any functions that says if the item is checked or selected Please help Thanks
  10. Ah...autopostback...problem solved
  11. Hi I'm trying to set a radio button to cause a text box to become enabled. I'm working in ASP VB.Net I'm already did Private Sub rdoSelection_SelectedIndexChanged(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles rdoInterview.SelectedIndexChanged me.txtStuff.enables = true end sub But it seems that the radio button selection change does not cause a page to reevaluate it's controls. Can someone help? Thank you very much
  12. No, it's an asp error, but I figured everyone here must all know asp pretty well in order to do asp .net, so i posted it here
  13. Hi, I'm getting a random error that says Error Type: (0x80070035) C:\INETPUB\WWWROOT\NEWINTRANET\TOOLS\CONTACTPOINTS\../../includes/IsInGroup.asp, line 15 here's my code: <script language="VBScript" RUNAT=Server> Function IsInGroupReturn(User, Group) Dim Member If Group.IsMember(User.ADsPath) Then IsInGroupReturn = True Else IsInGroupReturn = False End If End Function Function IsInGroup(strUsername, strUserDomain, GroupName) Dim objDomain, objGroup, objUser Set objDomain = GetObject("WinNT://" & strUserDomain) Set objGroup = objDomain.GetObject("Group", GroupName) Set objUser = GetObject("WinNT://" & strUserDomain & "/" & strUsername) IsInGroup = IsInGroupReturn(objUser, objGroup) End Function </SCRIPT> It seems that this used to work b4 I started the job. The guy who create it left and is unreachable. I have no clue why this stopped working. Can anyone help?
  14. Hi, I'm got a page that uses ASP. When I click on the submit form button, I would like the button to change it's text from "submit" to "Please Wait..." for some odd reason, this doesn't work. Please help, thank you here's what I have as JS code <script language="javascript"> function changeButton() { theButton = document.frmInfoRequest.cmdSubmit theButton.value = "Please Wait..." } </script> This is the ASP code <form id="frmInfoRequest" name="frmInfoRequest" onsubmit="return validatefrm(this)" action="prospective_students_newConn.asp" method="post"> ... ... <input onclick="changeButton();" class="button" id="cmdSubmit" type="submit" value="Submit Form" name="cmdSubmit"> </form> for some reason, this doesn't work
  15. I'll look into the viewstate. Session variables are too darn costly in mem. thank you very much for the suggestions
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