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Everything posted by Xee

  1. I have little experience with parsing and was just wondering if anyone could give me some pointers on how to approach this. The text file I will be parsing data from has it in this form: [1] = { ["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Opal_03", ["count"] = 15, ["link"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:818:0:0:0|h[Tigerseye]|h|r", }, [2] = { ["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Emerald_03", ["count"] = 9, ["link"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:774:0:0:0|h[Malachite]|h|r", }, [3] = { ["icon"] = "Interface\\Icons\\INV_Misc_Gem_Emerald_02", ["count"] = 5, ["link"] = "|cff1eff00|Hitem:1206:0:0:0|h[Moss Agate]|h|r", }, ... Basically, the data I want to extract is the word(s) between the "h[" and "]h|r" and the number following "count". For example, in the first entry the extracted strings would be "15, Tigerseye" . From trying to research on google I heard about Regex but have never used it before. I know this can also be done without using Regex but rather just plain VB.Net code. Does anyone have any recommendations which avenue to take and maybe some possible sites with helpful info? Many thanks in advance.
  2. n/m Found a site that had the regex. Here it is in case anyone wants it: [1-2]?\d{1,2}\.[1-2]?\d{1,2}\.[1-2]?\d{1,2}\.[1-2]?\d{1,2}
  3. Quick question. I am totally new to regular expressions and it seems every tutorial on the 'net tells me something different. So I was just wondering if someone would help get me started. Here's the html I'll be parsing: <tr bgcolor="#f9f9f0" align="center" class="punkt"> <td align="left" height=17></td> <td height=17>3128</td> <td>transparent</td> <td>Taiwan</td> <td>10.10.2003</td> <td><a href="/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?domain=" target="_blank"><b>Whois</b></a></td> </tr> <tr bgcolor="#f9f9f0" align="center" class="punkt"> <td align="left" height=17></td> <td height=17>80</td> <td>transparent</td> <td>Spain</td> <td>10.10.2003</td> <td><a href="/cgi-bin/whois.cgi?domain=" target="_blank"><b>Whois</b></a></td> . . . . I want to extract the following values (ip, port, anonymity rating, country). Right now, I was just wondering if anyone could help with the IP (I'm coding in VisualBasic.NET) . What I came up with was: Dim reg As New Regex("<td align=:Pileft:Pf height=17>(<IP>(:d+)\.(:d+)\.(:d+)\.(:d+))") But obviously that's wrong (tried it in a Regex evaluator). Anyone? It'd be much appreciated.
  4. This is exactly what is said on the PDF he sent us: I'm pretty new to VB as it is; I wouldn't know where to start with ASP. I think I'll just go ahead and do something in Access. It'll be boring as hell to make but that's pretty much all that's left. Ah well, back to the DFD's . . . *shudder*
  5. Not sure if this helps, but to get the version of .NET Framework you can do something like this: Private Sub btnCheckVersion_Click(...) Handles btnTest.Click GetInfo() End Sub Sub GetInfo() Sub GetInfo() Dim Major As String = CStr(System.Environment.Version.Major) Dim Minor As String = CStr(System.Environment.Version.Minor) Dim Build As String = CStr(System.Environment.Version.Build) lblVersion.Text = Major & "." & Minor & "." & Build End Sub End Sub
  6. Taken from MSDN: "Installers created using Visual Studio .NET deployment tools include a default launch condition (MsiNetAssemblySupport) that checks for the .NET Framework on the target computer. If it is not found, installation is halted and a dialog box displays the following default message to the user: "This setup requires the .NET Framework. Please install the .NET Framework and run this setup again." You should replace this message with a message that is customized for your application's users. For example, if your application is being distributed by CD-ROM, your message might read: "This setup requires the .NET Framework. Please install the .NET Framework by running the file Dotnetfx.exe, which can be found in the NetInstall directory on this CD, and then run this setup again."
  7. For my Advanced Systems Analysis class, we're supposed to design and create a system based on requirements given out by my professor. One of the many options on how to develop the system was to create Windows executable program using any language we want. When I heard this, I immediately decided to use VB.NET and Access. After emailing him a few questions later though, I'm not so sure. He said on the computer he'll be testing our finished systems on, he's running Windows NT 4.0 SP6 with Internet Explorer 5.0. Knowing that the .NET framework requires Windows NT 4.0 SP6a and at least Internet Explorer 5.01, I emailed him back and asked him if I could include the 6a service pack, IE 6.0, and the 1.1 .NET Framework along with my final system on a CD. Here was his response:
  8. Anyone know how I would go about resizing jpg images? I want to be able to make thumbnails of jpg images while keeping the original the same size. Usually, I would use Microsoft Photo Editor and resize it to 25% of it's original size and then save it with a different name, but when I'm dealing with 15 or more images, that can get tedious. I'm not expecting any complete code; just a helpful point in the right direction and I'll take it from there. Thanks a lot. -Xee
  9. . . . alright, that's definitely a lot better. I probably should have checked the library in the first place. http://www.tauruscarclub.com/forum/html/emoticons/pat.gif Thanks a lot!
  10. Being a beginner, and wanting to include directory browsing in a program I'm working on, I started searching all the VB.Net forums I could find looking for something to get me pointed in the right direction. Funny that I found the best "solutions" through google. Here they are for all those who are looking for a good way to do this. I have yet to try either but they seem promising (especially the first). Use Interop to Build FolderBrowser Dialog Control Directory Browser
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