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About GMan_NC

  • Birthday 08/25/1972

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Newbie (1/14)



  1. You can place the Treeview in one panel of a SplitContainer and fully Dock it. When the user moves the Splitter Bar, the Treeview will shrink and/or grow.
  2. Here's an example of creating a form from scratch and adding a textbox to the form Dim frm As New Form frm.Name = "frmCreated" frm.Text = "Created Form" Dim tb As New TextBox tb.Name = "tbTest" frm.Controls.Add(tb) frm.Show() Of course you can set other properties of the form and textbox such as size, location, borderstyle, etc.
  3. What is your code? The value you are looking for is the CommandText of the SqlCommand SelectCommand.CommandText.ToString
  4. You need to add single quote around the date "Select * from tbl where date = '" & txt_date.text & "'" 'or "Select * from tbl where date = '19/06/03'"
  5. Does anyone know if there is a way to list all available SQL Servers programatically without adding a reference to SQLDMO?
  6. frmTest.ActiveForm.Width = 1000
  7. It's probably where you are declaring your string variable. Here's how I did it, note I am just adding dummy values to the list view Sub PopulateListView() Dim str(6) As String Dim itm As ListViewItem str(0) = "This" str(1) = "is" str(2) = "only" str(3) = "A" str(4) = "Test" str(5) = "Okay" itm = New ListViewItem(str) lvwTeams.Items.Add(itm) End Sub Private Sub Form1_Load(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles MyBase.Load PopulateListView() End Sub Private Sub lvwTeams_Click(ByVal sender As Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles lvwTeams.Click Dim StringVariable As String = lvwTeams.SelectedItems(lvwTeams.Items(0).Index).Text TextBox1.Text = StringVariable End Sub
  8. This works fine for me Dim StringVariable As String = lvwTeams.SelectedItems(0).Text
  9. There has to be a version of SQL Server (Enterprise, Personal, MSDE) around somewhere. You will have to include the .mdf file of your database and attach it to the SQL Server.
  10. Did you want to set the column widths through code of the properties window?
  11. This is from the MSDN in a Technical Article called "Creating Control Arrays in Visual Basic .NET and Visual C# .NET" "Although Visual Basic .NET and C# have no inherent support for creating control arrays, you can duplicate all of the functionality of control arrays programmatically."
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