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  1. I have a DataGrid on an ASP page, and I would like to give it an irregular table heading. My client would like to have two rows of header on the grid. The cells on the first row would span several columns, visually grouping the related columns on the second row. Is a task like this possible with the ASP DataGrid?
  2. My colleague and I did search for some .Net examples for writing out to PDF. We found some examples which write out basic text and tables to a blank PDF, but we need a way to use a template for the form and write the results onto the appropriate place. I assume Crystal Decision could spit out data onto a pre-built report. I am familiar with Crystal Reports, just not Decision.
  3. Do you have any suggestions for a solution to generate PDFs? Do you have any sample source code for either of these methods?
  4. I have an ASP.Net 1 application, which includes database-driven electronic paperwork. The paperwork is entered into the system within this site, and users can view and print the notes online. Right now, the printable reports are simply ASP.Net forms--the background code queries the database for the form, and echoes the results onto ASP Labels. Being HTML-based reports, however, they do not always look good when printed--it's hard to get the page breaks correct, different users have different browsers, font settings, etc., and some forms have more lines of data entered in some text fields. As a result, some of the forms have the last few lines of data on top of an otherwise blank page. What are some options for generating a clean printout from an ASP.Net application, such as writing out to a PDF template?
  5. I am developing an ASP.Net application which contains electronic paperwork: I have an ASP.Net form for each type of paperwork form, the form's data is stored in an SQL Server database, and I have a report page for each form type (which echoes an individual form's data onto the page). My current system is fine for viewing/printing forms one at a time, but the client wants to be able to print multiple forms clicking only one button (ie: print all forms filled out yesterday). Since I already have individual ASPX pages for reporting each form type, I want to keep using them if possible. Is there a way to loop through and automatically print the appropriate page for each form returned in a query, or if not, is it possible to combine several ASP.Net forms onto a single web or MSWord document?
  6. Is it possible to get a Windows Forms UserControl onto a web form in an ASP.Net project? I am using C#. My solution has an ASP.Net Web Application, which I am naming CtlTest. I also added a Windows Control Library, MyCtl, to this solution. I added a UserControl named MyTestCtl to the control library. I used an <OBJECT> tag to place the control onto an ASP.Net form, as below: <form id="Form1" method="post" runat="server"> <object width="100" height="100" id="someControl" classid="bin/MyCtl.dll#MyCtl.MyTestCtl" VIEWASTEXT> </object> </form> With this code, the page builds and runs without an error, but the control appears only as a grayed-out text box. Am I doing something wrong, or are there special measures which must be made on the control to be available on a web page?
  7. I have an ASP.Net application that accesses an SQL Server database. When I run the project locally, I can use the following connection string to connect to the local copy of the database using the following connection string: conn = New SqlConnection("server=localhost;uid=pizzor2000;pwd=whatever;database=MyDB") When I publish the application, however, I will need to connect to the copy of the database on the server, so it would probably be easier if I can remote-connect to it. How would I set up the connection string to connect to a database on a remote server?
  8. Fortunately, I'm rebuilding both the database and the ASP application from scratch, so I don't have to go through the trouble of converting the existing system.
  9. I am in the process of redesigning an SQL server database for an ASP.Net application. The designer of the original database used the uniqueidentifier type for primary keys on each table. A GUID seems a little complicated for the IDs on these. I'm used to memorizing a simple number when I cross-reference related tables. Plus I have to include code in my application to generate the GUID when I insert a new record. I'm thinking of switching to an auto-incrementing ID for the new database. Before I do, I'd like to know what the advantages are to using a GUID instead of a number for a primary key.
  10. Right now, my loops through a collection of controls, as such: Dim coll as NameValueCollection coll = HttpContext.Current.Request.Form For i = 0 to coll.Count - 1 'Do something to each control. Next i Does the NameValueCollection allow me to get the control variables? If not, is there a better way to loop through each control on the form?
  11. Is there a way to find out the type of a given control on an ASP form? For instance, I'm going through each of the controls on a form, and I want to know if it's a text box, select list, or whatever.
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