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Everything posted by fsX

  1. It works great!!!
  2. Thanks PlausiblyDamp, Will try it! :cool:
  3. Anyone know how to get the name of the server that authenticated your login using C#? In this case it would be an Active Directory domain... Any ideas? Thanks, fsX
  4. Hi Joe Mamma, How could you use this to see the NTFS security? fsX
  5. It works fine for me too... but I want the program to run a little smoother and show the security tab right from the start; instead of clicking the security tab... Don't want to confuse the end user.... fsX
  6. Hi TripleB, Thats not true... On Windows servers by default you will always see the security tab, on Windows XP you need to remove 'Use simple file sharing' from Windows Explorer to see it....... fsX
  7. I gave it a try and this API won't do the trick... You can only preform these functions on a folder/file: edit - Launches an editor and opens the document for editing. find - Initiates a search starting from the specified directory. open - Launches an application. If this file is not an executable file, its associated application is launched. print - Prints the document file. properties - Displays the object's properties. fsX
  8. Thanks TripleB, I will give that a try! :D
  9. Thanks for your relpy, but I'm looking for the security properties window... That thread might not get there... fsX
  10. Hello all, Anyone know how to open the security window on a file? That's when you right click on a file and select Properties/Security... I'm trying to do this using C# and I can't find any references.... :confused: :confused: :confused: Thx, fsX
  11. Thanks Joe Mamma, That helped I got it working doing this: oTab.Columns["Email"].Attributes = ADOX.ColumnAttributesEnum.adColNullable; :D
  12. Hmmm... I'd like to know how you did this, using C# if possible. Thx.
  13. Thanks for your suggestions Nerseus, for now I think the easiest and fastest way to do this is using login/logoff scripts... fsX
  14. You can only log to the event log... Who wants to look through that....
  15. I want to be able to log Terminal Service usage activity.
  16. Hello all, Was wondering if anyone can give me an idea on how I could monitor when users login/logoff to a domain or local server (not using the event log). Can i do this with using API? I don't want to use login scripts. Please help. Thx.
  17. Thanks for taking the time to get it working bri189a :) :) Really nice of you!
  18. Still can't get it right! :confused: :confused: :confused: This just doesn't work...
  19. Thanks for your input bri189a; your post really helps! :-\ I will give it a try. fsX
  20. Hello, Having a tough time reading a binary registry value and converting to string char value: byte[] bytes = null; try { bytes = (byte[])tempkey.GetValue(valueName); for (int i=0; i<bytes.Length; i++) stringbytes = (stringbytes + bytes); } I get this - 65048050000 The regkey has this - 41 00 30 00 32 00 00 00 A 0 2 I need this - A 0 2 (as A02) and also the hex values. :confused: Can anyone please help... Thx fsX
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