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About Erdenemandal

  • Birthday 05/04/1973

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  • Visual Studio .NET Version
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  1. I used project -> Add user control. And I put a text box and picture box just for testing. But I dont know How I can BUILD user control. When I press F5 my project started not user control Regards, Erdene
  2. Yes , In this case VB.NET shows new User control within my project. I could not use this User control in another project. Regards, Erdene
  3. I am using Microsoft Visual Basic .NET 69569-005-5256102-18487 Regards, Erdene
  4. Hi , All I have a strange question. I want to create new User control. But when I select "File -> New > Project -> Visual Basic ", there is no "Windows control library". Should I install them extra. or how I can create an user Control Thanks, Erdenemandal
  5. Sorry. I am using XML so that I need to USE REad and Write XML. Now I am using current user folder instead of "All user". Just reading "APPDATA" from regedit and copy my temp file into it. Regards, Erdene
  6. Hi, ALL I have a problem with file access . I using xml file for my configuration. During installation a program creates "TempData" into "c:\Documents AND Settings\All User\Application Data\". I think "all user" folder has write/READ permission for all users of this PC. But during installation I use "Administration" and created and copied template xml file. When I change configuration and tries to save xml, it gives me Error Now I want to ask 1. How I can change folder permission (like chmod) 2. Is there any template folder for all user ? I am using ReadXML and WriteXML method for file access Regards, Erdene
  7. Solution ENdlich I have found it. The problem is there is relationship was established, During inserting a new Row I need to assign the relationship value. This the example relationship fileld is "records_Id". So that I need to add new newrow("relations_ID") = rows(0).("relations_ID") That is all. After saving new "row" appears inside of "records" table Erdenemandal
  8. Hi, ALL I need a help. I have a XML file and I want to add new DataRow into XML. This is my xml called test.xml <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <data> <records> <row> <br_personid>202</br_personid> <br_password>pajchkildfpl</br_password> <br_startlevel>1</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>1</br_mouse> </row> <row> <br_personid>58</br_personid> <br_password>phpakchmnikicpdm</br_password> <br_startlevel>303</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>0</br_mouse> <br_mittelkreuz>1</br_mittelkreuz> <br_mode>2</br_mode> </row> <row> <br_personid>76</br_personid> <br_password>peegambc</br_password> <br_startlevel>300</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>0</br_mouse> <br_mittelkreuz>1</br_mittelkreuz> <br_mode>1</br_mode> </row> <row> <br_personid>200</br_personid> <br_password>phpalnbb</br_password> <br_startlevel>0</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>1</br_mouse> <br_mittelkreuz>1</br_mittelkreuz> <br_mode>0</br_mode> </row> </records> </data> This is my code to add a dataRow Dim mData As DataSet = New DataSet Dim mTable As DataTable = New DataTable mData.ReadXml("C:\test.xml") mTable = mData.Tables("row") Dim rows As DataRow() = mTable.Select("br_personid='58'", "br_personid") Dim NewRow As DataRow = mTable.NewRow NewRow("br_personid") = '59' NewRow("br_password") = rows(0)("br_password") NewRow("br_startlevel") = rows(0)("br_startlevel") NewRow("br_language") = rows(0)("br_language") NewRow("br_mouse") = rows(0)("br_mouse") NewRow("br_mittelkreuz") = rows(0)("br_mittelkreuz") NewRow("br_mode") = rows(0)("br_mode") mTable.Rows.Add(NewRow) mTable.AcceptChanges() mData.AcceptChanges() mData.WriteXml("C:\test1.xml") It works but test1.xml looks strange : <?xml version="1.0" standalone="yes"?> <data> <records> <row> <br_personid>202</br_personid> <br_password>pajchkildfpl</br_password> <br_startlevel>1</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>1</br_mouse> </row> <row> <br_personid>58</br_personid> <br_password>phpakchmnikicpdm</br_password> <br_startlevel>303</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>0</br_mouse> <br_mittelkreuz>1</br_mittelkreuz> <br_mode>2</br_mode> </row> <row> <br_personid>76</br_personid> <br_password>peegambc</br_password> <br_startlevel>300</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>0</br_mouse> <br_mittelkreuz>1</br_mittelkreuz> <br_mode>1</br_mode> </row> <row> <br_personid>200</br_personid> <br_password>phpalnbb</br_password> <br_startlevel>0</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>1</br_mouse> <br_mittelkreuz>1</br_mittelkreuz> <br_mode>0</br_mode> </row> </records> <row> <br_personid>59</br_personid> <br_password>phpalnbb</br_password> <br_startlevel>0</br_startlevel> <br_language>1</br_language> <br_mouse>1</br_mouse> <br_mittelkreuz>1</br_mittelkreuz> <br_mode>0</br_mode> </row> </data> it adds new Row after [/records] tag. Please tell me how I can write in into Records Thanks, Erdene
  9. Good Idea. Thanks a lot. My problem has solved Thanks, Erdenemandal :p
  10. Hi, all I have 5 pictureboxes. Using Doubleclick I can change image (System.Drawing.Bitmap.FromFile(OpenFileDialog1.FileName)). But when I press "save" button I need to get all image names from those PictureBoxes. Please help me, How can I get Image name from PictureBox ? Thanks, Erdenemandal
  11. Hi, All I have a Problem with Proxy. I want to download file from a Server. But when I using proxy it gives me "The remote server returned an error (407) Proxy authentication Required" error message. This is my code. Dim wclient As New System.Net.WebClient If mySettings.mProxy = 1 Then System.Net.GlobalProxySelection.Select = New System.Net.WebProxy("http://" & mySettings.mProxyIP & ":" & mySettings.mProxyPort) wclient.Credentials = New System.Net.NetworkCredential(mySettings.mProxyName, mySettings.mProxyPass) End If wclient.DownloadFile(pathUpdate & "lastVersion.ini", mySettingsPath & "lastVersion.ini") Catch ex As Exception MsgBox(" lasVersion : " & ex.Message) End Try Please help me. Tell me how can I download file with Proxy Thanks, Erdenemandal
  12. Hi, I habe a Problem with multitasking. I habe a 1 timer to display "Please wait, Downloading settings ..." but it displays at the End of process. I want to display it during a process. I sue applications.ToEvents() But it hepls not. Please help me, Erdenemandal my code Private Sub Button2_Click(ByVal sender As System.Object, ByVal e As System.EventArgs) Handles Button2.Click Dim frm9 As New Form14("Download setting ") frm9.Show() Application.DoEvents() Label1.text = "Please wait, Downloading Settings ..." timer1.Start() end sub
  13. Problem solved I found a reason. Because Ado.NET has open command and AdO.NET is required MicroSoft Data Controler 2.6 or higher. I have donwloaded it and a problem solved, Erdene
  14. Hi, ALL I have s problem with ADODB.RecordSet . It works in Windows XP but. in Windows 98, gives a error. "System.InvalidExpection" with RecordSEtClass.Let_ActiveConnection This is my code Private connectID As Integer = -1 Private Connect As ADODB.Connection Private Row As ADODB.Recordset Private row_index As Integer If Me.checkConnection(ErrorMessage) Then Try If (Not Me.Row Is Nothing) Then Me.Row.Close() End If Me.Row = New ADODB.Recordset 'Me.Row.Delete(ADODB.AffectEnum.adAffectAll) MsgBox("Until here is OK") sQeury = Me.Connect Me.Row.let_ActiveConnection(Me.Connect.ConnectionString) Me.Row.let_Source(myQuery) Me.Row.Open() 'Me.Row.Open(myQuery, Me.Connect, ADODB.CursorTypeEnum.adOpenForwardOnly, ADODB.LockTypeEnum.adLockReadOnly, -1) MsgBox("Just here") 'Me.Row = Me.Connect.Execute(myQuery) Me.row_index = -1 Catch ex As Exception MsgBox("Error ::: " & ex.ToString & " " & myQuery & " " & Me.Connect.State) MsgBox(Me.Connect.ConnectionString) Me.connectID = -1 End Try Else MsgBox("Error :13: " & ErrorMessage) Me.connectID = -1 End If I am using Vb.NET and ADODB. Please help me Thanks. Erdene
  15. Hi, ALL Now right I am working on VC++ and I want to open new Internet explorer with a parameter. Does anybody have a source or example for calling from VC++ a program Thanks,
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