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    Unix System Administrator
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  1. They are not in the system objects table.
  2. Hi I have backed up my data base using SQL 2000. When I had to uninstall the SQL Server, and then reinstall it, I did a restore to my data base. But I found out that some tables and some stored procedures are not there, they are missing? Could you please help me.
  3. Thank you guys , its working fine now.
  4. I forgot to mention that the service has been started, stopped, and restarted but still having this problem.
  5. Hi All I'm using SQL server 2000, Windows XP, VB.NET application. Recently, installed windows service pack2. Then, the VB.NET application returns the following error message :"SQL Server does not exist or access denied". So, I did uninstalled the service pack and sql server as well. Then reinstalled the sql server but still having the same problem. Please help with any clue.
  6. Dear Kejpa I'm using SQLServer 2000 and vb.net
  7. Hi everyone. I have a table named Transactions which has columns transaction_id, Order_id, ...etc. The goal is to make a primary key as a uniqe combination of Transaction_id and Oreder_id. Please help
  8. Hi I know that it may sound like an easy question, but I wasn't able to find out the answer. I have a datagrid filled with data, all I need is to empty this datagrid.
  9. Dear betrl8thanever That was a very good explaination. I tried it and works fine. Thank you very much.
  10. Hi I'm looking for the best approach to solve the following case: I have an input parameter which will be sent to a stored procedure to query some data, the result have to be displayed in a datagrid in a windows application.
  11. I had a look at some threads, some people don't think that it is possible to use a data reader with A datagrid, instead they suggest using a datatable. In this case I think I think I have to startover. :o
  12. I'm still having a problem with displaying data in the datagrid. Do you think that I need to use a data set whith the datareader? or is there something wrong with my stored procedure ?
  13. Its working now - After taking you answer as is :D I get this error Procedure 'purchase_transaction' expects parameter '@purchase_transaction_id' which was not supported. I have tried to remove purchase_transaction_id from the stored proc but didn't work. I told you I'm new to this subject, thanks for your support.
  14. I'm dispalying my data in a windows application. here how the code looks like now Dim dr2 As SqlDataReader Try objConn.Open() dr2 = myCmd1.ExecuteReader() While dr2.Read DgPO.DataSource = dr2 End While Catch End Try
  15. Thanks Arch4ngel for your respons I dont have that error any more, but the datagrid is not displaying the data yet. Is it possible to use the Fill method when using a datareader?
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