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Everything posted by dusans

  1. You can't get size, it is limited by data type your column uses.
  2. Do it using Validated event instead LostFocus
  3. Try adding code Application.Run(FrmMenu) after showing FrmMenu form
  4. Does anybody knows simple way to make property of type System.Object see various data sources in design mode - when editing property it should display drop down tree list with all data sets, tables or other data sources placed on form. I tried with ListSource property attribute, but when property is not strongly typed I can't even edit property, I mean how is this done with DataSource property of controls like DataGrid or ComboBox? Thanks very, very much!!!
  5. Have you checked your declaration of ShowWindow function and constant? Where do you put it? Have you replaced MyForm with name of your form?
  6. If you are using new connection each time, check if previous is closed. If you are using same connection each time, open it once and use it always. If this did't solved problem try adding " Pooling='false' " at the end of the connection string. Or maybe adding " Connection Lifetime = 0 " to connection string will solve the problem.
  7. I believe the question was how to show form without activating it and I assume that a_jam_sandwich has tried what you just writed. Setting visible to True do activates form!!! Can you send me your source code of the test where you can do what you have described?
  8. When you have created form do not display it with Show method! Use API function ShowWindow found in User32.dll like this : Declare Ansi Function ShowWindow Lib "User32" (ByVal HWND As IntPtr, ByVal nCmdShow As Integer) As Boolean Const SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE As Integer = 4 Call it like this : Dim F As MyForm F = New MyForm() ShowWindow(F.Handle, SW_SHOWNOACTIVATE)
  9. You probably want to put back values from row back into text boxes!? To do this try : dim cm as system.windows.forms.currencymanager cm=me.bindingcontext(MyDataSet.Tables("MyDataTable")) cm.refresh() If it does not work try replacing bindingcontext call parameters with (MyDataSet,"MyDataTable")
  10. Dim Cm As System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager Dim Dv As System.Data.DataView Cm = CType(Me.BindingContext(DSet.Tables("TABLE NAME")), System.Windows.Forms.CurrencyManager) Dv = CType(Cm.List, System.Data.DataView) Dv.AllowNew = False That's it!
  11. Thanks for reply, but it does not work. Maybe because my OS is win2k?
  12. Is there any way to draw a border of a flat TextBox in specific color?
  13. Other, better way is not to create column styles for columns you don't want to display, instead of creating it and hiding it with width=0!
  14. I have a problem using button controls. When I put buttons on the form I can use space and enter key to simulate mouse clicks. When I put buttons in UserControl (making new user contol) and put that control on form everything works except that my buttonts don't recieve enter key. I this a bug ? Please tell me if you have a solution or explanation! Thanks.
  15. I'm having a trouble with DataGrid in VB.Net. I have a Form with two Tabs. When I change value of TextBox on one tab which is binding row in DataTable and switch to other tab which contains DataGrid(readonly) with column binding to same property as TextBox and switch back IsChanged property of row view changes into False (Should be True). It seems that DataGrid calls EndCurrentEdit method. I tried many ways to avoid this but it happens even when the Grid is disabled and hidden. Another thing is also interesting, when I set DataSource of Grid to Nothing, no matter what it accepts changes made in current row. Is there any solution to this problems?
  16. I'm using TabControl in VB.NET and i don't know how to disable specific TabPage to prevent user to view or activate that page.
  17. Read article at http://www.syncfusion.com/FAQ/WinForms/FAQ_c44c.asp where is described how to add column of combo boxes, it should't be hard to use buttons. To put row in an edit mode you should apply method described in article used to disable particular cell, by disabling all cells and enabling only when user clicks on button.
  18. How can I determine if CAPS LOCK is active from VB.NET?
  19. Active X The way of inserting controls into ActiveX containers works in VB6 but not in VB.Net. I'm interested in inserting control in container as child control of that container.
  20. I have a problem using ActiveX controls on form. Some controls should act as container (TabControl, CoolBar), but in designer I can't insert any controls in them. Same controls work well with Delphi or VB6. Is this a bug or there is some special action to perform to insert control into non-standard container?
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